Still in bed || Steve [Avengers: Endgame]

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Neutral reader!

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Neutral reader!

Steve Rogers lay beside Y/n in the dimly lit bedroom, the soft glow of the city lights filtering through the curtains. The warmth of their shared embrace still lingered in the air, and the quiet rhythm of their breathing filled the space between them. Steve's hand gently traced patterns on Y/n's back, a silent expression of his love and contentment.

Y/n turned to face Steve, their eyes meeting in the soft light. There was a tenderness in Steve's gaze, a depth of emotion that words could barely capture. They were both still, lying naked under the sheets, feeling the weight of their shared vulnerability.

"Do you ever think about how different things could have been?" Y/n asked softly, their voice barely above a whisper.

Steve's expression softened as he considered the question. "Sometimes," he admitted, his fingers stilling on Y/n's skin. "But I wouldn't change where I am now, not for anything. Not when it means being here with you."

Y/n smiled, their heart swelling with affection. "It's just... it feels like we've been through so much. And yet, here we are."

Steve nodded, his thumb gently brushing Y/n's cheek. "We've faced a lot together, but that's what makes us stronger. I've had more lifetimes than I can count, but this one, with you... it's the one I've fought for."

Y/n's eyes glistened as they leaned closer, their foreheads touching. "You're everything to me, Steve. You always have been."

Steve's lips curved into a small, genuine smile. "And you to me, Y/n. I don't know what I did to deserve this, but I'm grateful every day."

They lay there in silence for a while, simply enjoying the comfort of each other's presence. The world outside might have been chaotic, filled with responsibilities and dangers, but in that moment, all that mattered was the love they shared.

Y/n shifted slightly, resting their head on Steve's chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. "Promise me we'll always find time for this, no matter what happens."

Steve wrapped his arms around Y/n, holding them close. "I promise," he whispered, pressing a kiss to their forehead. "No matter what happens, we'll always have this."

And as they drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's warmth, they knew that they had found something truly rare—a love that could withstand even the most daunting challenges life had to offer.

Imagines || shows and movies characters x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora