Over her head || Moana • Sina [Moana 2]

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Y/n and Moana had been inseparable ever since they started dating

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Y/n and Moana had been inseparable ever since they started dating. Their adventures across the ocean were filled with laughter, love, and the occasional playful banter. But when Moana's little sister Sina joined them on their latest journey, things took a hilariously awkward turn.

The trio had set sail early in the morning, the sun casting golden rays across the tranquil sea. Sina, always eager to be part of her sister's adventures, was excited to join them. She adored Moana and had quickly grown fond of Y/n, though she sometimes found their conversations confusing.

As they sailed, Y/n, who had a quick wit and a mischievous sense of humor, began to entertain Moana with a series of jokes. These weren't just any jokes—they were the kind that carried a double meaning, clever quips that were more for adults than children.

The first joke came when Moana was adjusting the sails, and Y/n leaned in close with a smirk. "You know, Moana, if you were a vegetable, you'd be a cute-cumber."

Moana laughed, catching the playful glint in Y/n's eyes. "Oh, really? And what would you be?"

"I'd be your date-tomato," Y/n replied with a wink.

Sina, who had been listening intently, tilted her head in confusion. "But Y/n, cucumbers aren't vegetables—they're fruits! And tomatoes too! That joke doesn't make any sense!"

Y/n chuckled, giving Moana a knowing look. "It's okay, Sina. It's just a silly joke."

They continued their voyage, with Y/n occasionally dropping more playful lines. Later, when Moana sat beside Y/n at the edge of the boat, Y/n pointed at the horizon and said, "You know, Moana, if you were a sea creature, you'd be an 'angel-fish' because you're heaven-sent."

Moana grinned, shaking her head at Y/n's cheesy humor. "And what would you be?"

"Oh, I'd be your 'gill-friend,' of course," Y/n quipped, nudging Moana playfully.

Sina, who was practicing her knot-tying skills nearby, overheard and furrowed her brow. "Y/n, fish don't have girlfriends! They lay eggs, and the male fish fertilize them in the water. That's how it works!"

Moana and Y/n burst into laughter, while Sina, completely oblivious to the joke's true meaning, looked on, puzzled but determined to understand.

As the sun dipped lower in the sky, Y/n decided to have a little more fun. "Moana," she said with a sly smile, "if you were a tree, you'd be a 'fine-apple,' because you're so sweet."

Moana chuckled, leaning into Y/n. "And you'd be my 'date palm,' always by my side."

Sina, who was now nibbling on some fruit, piped up again. "But pineapples don't grow on trees—they grow on the ground! And date palms are—wait, what does that even mean?"

Y/n grinned, pulling Sina into a gentle side hug. "Don't worry, Sina. It's just another one of those jokes."

By now, Sina was starting to feel left out, her little mind racing to figure out what she was missing. She knew Y/n was joking, but she couldn't quite grasp why they were funny, and it was driving her crazy.

That night, as they camped on a small island, Sina sat by the fire, her face scrunched in concentration. Finally, she looked up at Y/n and Moana, who were sitting close together, sharing quiet laughter.

"Y/n," Sina said, determination in her voice, "I want to understand. Can you tell me a joke I'll get?"

Y/n smiled warmly at Sina, appreciating her persistence. "Alright, how about this one: Why the fuck don't crabs give to charity?"

Sina's eyes lit up. "I don't know, why?"

"Because they're shellfish!" Y/n exclaimed with a playful grin.

Sina burst into giggles, finally understanding the humor. "That's funny because crabs have shells and they're selfish! I get it!"

Moana smiled at her sister's joy, wrapping an arm around her. "See, Sina? Jokes come in all shapes and sizes. Some are just a bit... harder to catch."

Sina nodded, feeling proud of herself for finally getting a joke. But as she lay down to sleep, she couldn't help but think about all the other jokes Y/n had told that day. Maybe one day, she'd figure them out too.

As the fire crackled softly and the stars twinkled above, Y/n and Moana exchanged a knowing glance. Their little inside jokes had made the day all the more fun, but what they cherished most was the growing bond with Sina—a reminder that sometimes, the best jokes are the ones that bring everyone closer, even if they don't always understand them right away.

And with that, the trio drifted off to sleep, the gentle waves lulling them into dreams of more adventures and, of course, more jokes—some that would make Sina laugh, and some that she'd figure out when she was a little bit older.

Imagines || shows and movies characters x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora