Strike back || Charlie [Hazbin hotel]

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Charlie had always been the responsible one, shouldering the burdens of the Hazbin Hotel, the chaos of Hell, and their parents' crumbling marriage

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Charlie had always been the responsible one, shouldering the burdens of the Hazbin Hotel, the chaos of Hell, and their parents' crumbling marriage. Y/n, her younger sister, had always been the quiet one, her feelings buried beneath layers of indifference and defiance. But Charlie knew better; she could see the pain Y/n carried from their parents' bitter divorce, the way she clung to independence as a shield against her unresolved feelings. That's why, after years of tension between them, Charlie had finally agreed to let Y/n live her life with more freedom. However, in exchange, Y/n agreed to go to therapy to confront the emotions she had long suppressed.

It was a rare moment of peace between the sisters, but the calm didn't last long. The latest extermination had brought destruction and death to their doorstep once again. The Hazbin Hotel stood scarred from the battle, its inhabitants wounded, some far worse than others.

Outside the hotel, chaos swirled as Vaggie was loaded into an ambulance. She had fought hard, as always, standing by Charlie's side through the extermination. As the paramedics worked, she caught Charlie's gaze. "Call me if you need anything, Charlie," she said, her voice strained but steady. Charlie nodded, holding back tears. She hated seeing her friends hurt like this, but Vaggie's words brought her some small comfort. 

Nearby, Y/n stood over Husk, her heart aching. He had been hit badly during the fight, and for a moment, Y/n had believed he was gone—another casualty of Hell's unending violence. She had stood in the aftermath, her body trembling, tears slipping down her cheeks as she mourned him, feeling the crushing weight of loss. 

But then, a miracle. The paramedics wheeled Husk out of the hotel on a stretcher, alive but battered. His eyes fluttered open, and he gave her a weak, sarcastic grin. Relief flooded Y/n as she rushed to him, tears of joy streaming down her face. Without thinking, she bent down and kissed him, her hands cradling his bruised face.

"You scared me, you old bastard," she whispered, her voice trembling. Husk chuckled softly, wincing in pain.

"I'm too stubborn to die," he muttered, and Y/n laughed, her heart lighter than it had been in years.

As Y/n lingered by Husk's side, Charlie stood off to the side, her hands tucked deep into her jacket pockets. Her fingers brushed against something hard and cold, and she pulled out Adam's mask. The exterminator had dropped it during the fight, and she had taken it as a trophy, a reminder of the darkness they had faced—and won against. But now, as she stared at the mask in her hands, a strange temptation tugged at her. She could feel the residual evil, the hatred that came with it. It whispered to her, offering power, vengeance, a way to control the chaos that always seemed to engulf them.

For a moment, Charlie considered it. She had been fighting for so long, struggling to maintain control, to keep her hotel, her friends, and her family safe. The mask promised an easy way out, a way to embrace the darker parts of herself she had always tried to suppress.

But then she looked at Y/n, at the way her sister kissed Husk with such joy and relief. She thought of Vaggie's strength, of the way her friends had stood by her, no matter the cost. Charlie knew that if she gave in to the darkness, if she embraced the evil in the mask, she would lose everything she had fought for. She would lose herself.

With a deep breath, Charlie dropped the mask. It clattered to the ground, and she walked away from it, choosing to leave it behind.

Y/n approached her, wiping the last of her tears from her eyes. "Ready to go?" she asked softly.

Charlie nodded. Together, the sisters walked away from the crime scene, leaving behind the bloodshed, the masks, and the killing spree that had claimed too many lives. Y/n slipped her hand into Charlie's, squeezing it gently. They both had a long road ahead—Y/n with her therapy, Charlie with her endless fight to protect the hotel—but for now, they had each other. That was enough.

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