Chapter 18: Sage's First Gym Battle Finale

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Sage took a deep breath as she glanced at Charmander's Poké Ball, as the final battle between the Onix was about to begin and Sage knew she couldn't afford to make any mistakes.

Charmander, it's your turn!" Sage said as she threw the Poké Ball.

Charmander burst out of its Poké Ball as its flame was blazing brilliantly on its tail as it was ready for action. 

Sage knew it wouldn't be easy since Onix was massive and it had the upper hand with its Rock-type moves but she had faith in her partner.

Charmander, let's go! Use Growl!" Sage commanded.

Charmander let out a fierce growl as its voice echoed throughout the gym as what Charmander was doing a simple tactic but Sage knew it could lower Onix's attack giving her and Charmander a edge in battle.

You're using Growl to your advantage? Smart but let's see how your Charmander handles this! Onix, use Dig!" Brock said.

Before Sage could react, Onix burrowed into the ground with lightning speed as it disappeared from sight as Charmander immediately crouched low as it was trying to anticipate where Onix would strike next.

Charmander, watch out! It's underground!" Sage warned.

But it was too late. Onix burst from the ground beneath Charmander as its massive body crashed into the fire lizard with a force that sent Charmander flying across the arena.

Charmander!" Sage called out as her voice was filled with worry.

Charmander landed hard but quickly picked itself up as the flames on its tail grew brightly as it was determined to keep on battling.

Onix use Bind!" Brock commanded as his voice was stern.

Onix's powerful coils snaked around Charmander and began squeezing tightly as Charmander let out a cry of pain as the Rock Snake Pokémon constricted its hold.

Sage's heart raced as she had to think quickly. 

Charmander use Scratch! Scratch it with everything you've got!" Sage shouted as Brock raised his eyebrow as he was wondering what was Sage strategy.

Charmander's claws dug into Onix's rocky surface but the bind was so tight as it was hard to get a solid hit in but then something unexpected happened.

A flash of blue light enveloped Charmander's body and Sage's eyes widened in surprise as Charmander's body began to glow and its form began changing as it was growing larger and stronger.

Charmander... is it... evolving?" Sage whispered in awe.

The light faded and standing before Sage was a powerful new Pokemon as Charmander had evolved into Charmeleon as its fiery tail was burning even brighter and its eyes was now filled with more confidence and power.

Sage was ecstatic as she was bouncing up and down in excitement. 

Charmeleon, you evolved! You look amazing!" Sage said as she hugged Charmeleon.

Sage Rotom Phone buzzed with excitement as well as its screen light up with new information.

Charmeleon the Flame Pokémon. Fire Type. It is quick to anger and often releases its fiery breath in a fiery rage. It uses its flame to guide it through even the darkest places.

Sage grinned from ear to ear as she was proud of her Pokémon.

Alright, Charmeleon! We've got this now! Let's use Ember!" Sage shouted.

Charmeleon grinned as it's flames was dancing around its mouth as it released a fiery burst of energy toward Onix as the fiery attack hit Onix leaving a noticeable burn but Onix stood its ground as it was glaring at the fiery lizard.

Sage checked her Rotom Phone to confirm Charmeleon's moveset as she was hoping to find the perfect move for this critical moment.

Charmeleon's Moves: Scratch, Ember, Growl, Metal Claw.

Sage's eyes locked onto Metal Claw as she knew what she had to do

Charmeleon use Metal Claw!" Sage said.

Charmeleon's claws began to glow with a metallic sheen as it lunged at Onix and began slashing its sharp claws at the rock snake as Onix reeled back in pain as it's rocky body was now showing visible cracks from the attack.

Not bad, Sage but Onix is a tough opponent so let's see if you can finish this!" Brock said, his voice filled with admiration. 

Charmeleon roared and lunged forward as it was using its newfound strength and speed to land a series of precise blows and with one final roar, Charmeleon slashed through Onix's rocky body as and the giant Pokémon finally collapsed and fainted from the barrage of attacks.

Sage stood frozen for a moment as her mind was processing what had just happened as her Charmeleon had just taken down one of Brock's strongest Pokémon and she couldn't believe how far they had come together.

Great job, Charmeleon!" Sage cheered as rushed to hug her evolved starter Pokémon as Charmeleon nuzzled Sage affectionately as its fiery tail was flickering happily.

Incredible! Not many trainers can proudly say they had two Pokémon evolve in the middle of a battle. You've earned my respect, Sage" Brock said with a proud smile.

Thank you, Brock! That was the best battle ever!" Sage said excitedly

Sage recalled Charmeleon as her eyes was still wide with excitement as Brock took out the Boulder Badge and said.

Here's your Boulder Badge, Sage. It proves that you've earned the right to challenge other Gym Leaders in the Kanto region" Brock said.

Sage took the badge in her hand and carefully placed it in her Gym Badge case as It was a tangible symbol of her victory and she felt more motivated than ever to continue her journey.

Brock also handed her a small disk. 

This is a Technical Machine or TM. It contains the move Rock Tomb a Rock-type move that can deal damage and lower an opponent's speed" Brock said

Thank you, Brock. I'll use it wisely" Sage said as she took the TM and began walking out of the gym feeling stronger then before.

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