Sage and Leaf were walking together towards Vermilion city after having their battle as the arrived at the city as they were excited once they saw the S.S Anne parked by the dock.
This place is awesome" Leaf said as she looked at the city and saw decorations everywhere.
Lets head to the Pokemon center" Sage said as she and Leaf made the way towards the Pokemon center as they entered inside and saw Red and Blue.
Red gave them a small nod while Blue scowled and said.
Finally the slowpokes have arrived" Blue taunted as Sage rolled her eyes.
Whatever Blue" Leaf scoffed.
The party on the S.S. Anne doesn't start for another hour so this is the perfect time for you two to go for your third Gym badge" Red said.
Sounds good. I'll heal my Pokémon first so Sage can go ahead" Leaf said.
While we're here, let's see what kind of Pokémon we all have" Blue suggested with a smirk as he was determined to show everyone he had a strong team.
Nurse Joy overheard their conversation and chimed in.
If you'd like to show off your Pokémon, head to the basement. There's a space for trainers to display their teams" Nurse joy said kindly.
Curious and excited, the group headed downstairs to a spacious training area.
(Team Reveal)
Leaf went first as she tossed five Poké Balls into the air as the room was filled with flashes of light as her team appeared.
Ivysaur Starter
When did you catch a Gyarados?" Blue asked as he was impressed and Jealous.
Fished it up on Route 24. Took forever to train it though" Leaf said with a smile.
Next was Red who silently tossed five Poké Balls as he revealed his team.
Pikachu Starter
Shiny Golduck
Shiny Golduck? Now that's something you don't see every day" Sage said as she was impressed and excited to see her first Shiny Pokemon.
Red gave a small smile but said nothing.
Then it was Blue's turn as he tossed six Poké Balls, revealing.
Wartortle Starter
Blue smirked as his Pokémon posed proudly.
As expected of me, my team's the strongest" Blue said arrogantly as Sage smirked.
Finally, it was Sage's turn as she tossed her six Poké Balls, revealing:
Charmeleon Starter
The room went silent for a moment with everyone's eyes fixed on Sage's team which looked pretty powerful and balanced.
You have a Wartortle too? Figures" Blue said nonchalantly but on the inside he was seething in anger and jealous at the fact that Sage had Pokemon which was supposed to be unique to him alone.
Red however was more intrigued by Phantuff who seemed different from all the Pokemon's as Red never seen a Pokemon like Phantuff before.
What is that Pokémon?" Red asked as he was genuinely curious.
This is Phantuff. I adopted him from the orphanage on Route 24 and he is a Grass/Ghost type and has been an amazing addition to my team" Sage said proudly as she enjoyed seeing the look of jealousy on Blue face
He is so adorable" Leaf squealed as Phantuff was chasing his own happily.
Blue muttered something under his breath as he was still clearly bothered by Sage's Wartortle and the fact that she had a rare Pokemon on her team.
(On to the Gym)
After their team display the group decided to follow Sage to the Vermilion Gym as the Gym was known for its Electric-type leader, Lt. Surge and his reputation as a powerful trainer.
As they walked through the streets of Vermilion the excitement of the upcoming Gym battle and the S.S. Anne party filled the air.
Sage felt a rush of determination as she was excited to get her third Gym Badge and show her Pokemon strength.