The Magnet Train screeched to a halt at Fuchsia City Station as it was a mere four-minute ride from Celadon City as Sage, Leaf and Daisy quickly disembarked the train.Daisy led Leaf and Sage towards the entrance of the Safari zone as there was already a crowd outside screaming and chattering in extreme panic.
Sage scanned the worried faces as she noticed the absence of the gym leader who was supposed to be here calming the crowd and dealing with Team Rocket.
Why isn't the Gym Leader of this city doing anything about this?" Sage asked aloud as everyone looked at her.
An older man in the crowd stepped forward with a grim expression on his face.
The Gym Leader Janine went inside the Safari Zone hours ago. She hasn't come out since, and we fear Team Rocket may have captured her" the older man said with worry in his tone.
Leaf and Sage exchanged a determined glance and without a word, they moved toward the entrance as Daisy placed a hand on each of their shoulders and
Be careful and don't underestimate Team Rocket" Daisy said as Sage and Leaf nodded as they entered the Safari zone.
(Scene Change)
Once inside the Safari Zone, the atmosphere changed as the air was thick with tension and the once lively zone was eerily quiet.
Sage pulled a Pokéball from her belt and sent out her Pikachu as its cheeks sparkled with electricity.
Leaf took out her own Pokeball and sent out a Jolteon as Sage raised an eyebrow.
Since when did you have an Eevee?" Sage asked curiously.
Leaf smirked as her Jolteon growled softly as it surveyed the area.
Caught it back in Celadon City and it didn't take long for me to evolve Eevee into Jolteon once I got the right stone" Leaf smirked.
Nice. Jolteon will come in handy here" Sage said as she gave her best friend a thumbs up.
Sage and Leaf moved cautiously as Pikachu and Jolteon walked besides them with heightened awareness as they were ready to strike if their respective trainers was in danger.
We have to be extra careful. Team Rocket's probably got traps set up" Sage said as her voice was low.
Leaf nodded as her eyes scanned the area for movement.
And if Janine's really been captured, they'll be guarding her. We'll need a plan" Leaf said as the walked deeper into the Safari zone as the environment became more treacherous and the strange part about it all was there was no Pokemon roaming and signs of struggle.
Sage stopped abruptly and held out a hand to halt Leaf.
Did you hear that?" Sage mumbled as the faint sound of voices reached their ears as it grew louder as they crept closer to the sound as Sage and Leaf crouched behind a large rock with their respective Pokemons.
Look over their" Leaf said as she pointed behind a tree as Leaf and Sage saw a group of Team Rocket grunts with their black uniforms standing out in the greenery as they were gathered around a cage containing several frightened Pokémon.
Leaf clenched her fists. "They're poaching Pokémon!"
Sage's Pikachu growled, its cheeks sparking with anger as Sage placed a calming hand on her electric Pokemon head.
We can't just charge in. We need to find Janine first. She'll know how to deal with them" Sage said as Leaf nodded reluctantly.
Alright, but let's keep an eye on them. If they move, we follow" Leaf said as Sage nodded as they decide to watch the team rocket grunts for now.