Chapter 132: Champion Battle Finale

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The battlefield was silent for a brief moment as the anticipation was heavy in the air.

Sage took a deep breath as she recalled Pidgeot as she gripped her last Pokéball tightly. 

You've been with me since the very beginning. Let's finish this together" Sage said as she sent out Charizard who roared fiercely as it flapped its powerful wings as It landed on the battlefield with flames flickering from its tail as it locked eyes with its final opponent.

Professor Oak gave a knowing smile and sent out his last Pokémon. 

Kangaskhan, let's go!" Professor Oak shouted as he sent up a Pokéball in the air as a massive Kangaskhan materialized and landed on the ground as it let out a deep roar as the baby in its pouch mimicked its cry as the powerful Normal-type pounded its fists together as it was ready for the final battle.

Both trainers stood firm as they reached for their Key Stones.

This is it" Sage said as she touched her Keystone necklace.

Professor Oak did the same with his bracelet. 

Let's see who's truly ready to claim the title of Champion" Professor Oak said.

The stadium erupted in light as both trainers activated Mega Evolution.

Charizard roared as its body transformed with its wings becoming jagged and its arms and legs gaining more muscle and its flame burning hotter than ever. 

Mega Charizard X stood tall with its blue flames flaring wildly and radiating power.

Kangaskhan let out a roar as its body pulsed with energy as the baby in its pouch suddenly grew and jumped onto the battlefield as it was ready to fight alongside its mother. 

Mega Kangaskhan stood firm with its ability Parental Bond now fully activated.

The referee raised his flag. 

The final battle begins now!" The Referee shouted

(The Battle Begins)

Professor Oak wasted no time. 

Mega Kangaskhan use Fake Out!" Professor Oak shouted.

Kangaskhan moved with surprising speed and rushed toward Charizard before clapping its hands together in a sharp strike.

Charizard flinched as it was unable to react as the attack momentarily stunned it as the baby Kangaskhan followed up with a second strike thanks to Parental Bond, making Charizard stagger back.

Shake it off, Charizard! Use Dragon Claw!" Sage called out.

Charizard recovered quickly as its claws glowed with a bright blue energy as it slashed forward. Kangaskhan raised its arms in defense, blocking the attack but the baby was left open as Charizard's second swipe hit directly, sending it tumbling backward.

Not bad. But let's see how you handle this. Mega Kangaskhan use Power-Up Punch!"theofessor Oak called out.

Kangaskhan's fists glowed as it lunged forward and punched Charizard in the chest as the second punch from the baby landed right after, doubling the attack's power and raising Kangaskhan's Attack stat.

Sage winced as this was bad as Parental Bond was so incredibly annoying.

We need to turn this around. Charizard, take to the skies!" Sage called out.

Charizard flapped its wings and soared high into the sky.

Now use Flamethrower!" Sage called out.

From above, Charizard unleashed a torrent of blue flames as the fire engulfed Kangaskhan, making it roar in pain as it tried to endure the heat.

Kangaskhan use Rock Slide!" Professor Oak called out.

Kangaskhan raised its arms and summoned a flurry of boulders from the air as the rocks rained down on Charizard, forcing it to weave through the sky to dodge.

A few stones clipped its wings, sending it momentarily off balance.

We need to strike fast, Charizard use Thunder Punch!" Sage called out.

Charizard roared and dove toward Kangaskhan with its fist crackling with electricity as it swung with incredible force and slammed its fist into Kangaskhan's chest and stunning it momentarily.

Follow up with Seismic Toss!" Sage called out.

Charizard grabbed Kangaskhan and took off into the sky, soaring higher and higher as the crowd gasped.

Then with a powerful roar, Charizard spun in midair and hurled Kangaskhan toward the ground at full speed.

The impact shook the entire stadium as Kangaskhan crashed into the battlefield, dust and debris flying everywhere.

For a moment, nothing moved.

Then suddenly, Kangaskhan's body twitched as it let out a defiant growl as it slowly pushed itself up.

It's still standing?!" Sage said as her eyes widened in shock

Mega Kangaskhan doesn't go down that easily" Professor Oak said with a chuckle.

Kangaskhan pounded its chest.

Let's end this! Mega Kangaskhan use Giga Impact!" Professor Oak called out.

Kangaskhan roared as its entire body became engulfed in golden energy as It charged at Charizard with immense speed, shaking the battlefield as it approached. 

The baby Kangaskhan mimicked the movement.

Sage had seconds to react.

We have to meet it head-on! Charizard, use Dragon Claw—WITH EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT!" Sage shouted.

Charizard's claws shined brighter than ever before with its body blazing with blue flames.

Then—the three Pokémon clashed.

The battlefield exploded in a shockwave of fire and energy, forcing the crowd to shield their eyes from the intensity of the collision.

When the smoke cleared—

Kangaskhan stood frozen in place with its baby beside it and then,with a low groan both if them collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

The referee raised his flag.

Kangaskhan is unable to battle! The winner of this match... is Sage!" The Referee shouted in excitement.

The stadium erupted into deafening cheers.

Sage stood frozen for a moment with her heart pounding and then, slowly, a huge smile spread across her face as the realization sank in.

She had won.

She had defeated the Champion.

Charizard turned toward her and let out a triumphant roar.

Sage ran forward and threw her arms around her Starter Pokemon. 

We did it, Charizard!" Sage shouted as Charizard growled and shot a flamethrower in the air.

The bond between them had never felt stronger.

Professor Oak chuckled as he recalled Kangaskhan as he walked over to Sage and offered a proud nod.

Well done, Sage" Professor Oak said warmly.

So... does this mean...?" Sage asked hesitantly.

Yes. You are now the Pokémon Champion of Kanto" Professor Oak said.

The moment felt surreal as the crowd chanted her name with her friends and family cheering from the stands.

She had achieved what she set out to do.

But Sage knew this wasn't the end.

This was only the beginning.

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