The referee's voice echoed through the stadium as the crowd's excitement was building to a deafening roar.
This will be a seven-on-seven battle with both trainers using their full teams! The battle will be conducted until all of one trainer's Pokémon are unable to battle!" The Referee shouted.
Sage's heart raced as she looked across the field and saw her parents and friends giving her an encouraging nod as they believed in her.
Professor Oak was standing confidently on the opposite side of the arena as gave Sage a knowing smile before he threw his first Pokéball into the air.
Go, Dragonite!" Professor Oak shouted as in an instant a massive, orange dragon-like Pokémon with large wings and a powerful aura appeared.
The crowd gasped in awe at the sight of Dragonite which was one of the most revered and powerful Pokémon in all of Kanto.
Sage's eyes widened but she didn't falter as she had faced tough battles before and this was no different.
Espeon, I choose you!" Sage called out as she released her Psychic-type partner onto the battlefield.
Espeon appeared with an elegant leap with its eyes filled with determination as the bond between them was unbreakable and this battle would be a test of that connection.
The referee stepped forward.
Both trainers are ready. The battle begins now!" The Referee shouted.
Dragonite, start with Outrage!" Professor Oak called out.
Dragonite roared with its body crackling with energy as it charged toward Espeon with its powerful claws raised as the force of the attack was overwhelming but Sage was ready.
Espeon use Psychic!" Sage commanded.
Espeon's eyes glowed blue as it unleashed a powerful Psychic blast, sending Dragonite hurtling backward.
Dragonite grunted with its wings flapping wildly to regain balance but it was already shaken by the force of Espeon's attack.
Not bad" Professor Oak said.
Dragonite, follow up with Thunderbolt!" Professor Oak called out
Dragonite's eyes sparkled with electric energy and before Espeon could react a bolt of lightning shot across the field.
Espeon narrowly dodged but a small part of its tail was caught by the electricity as the jolt caused Espeon to stagger but it quickly regained composure.
Espeon use Psychic Ball!" Sage called out
Espeon concentrated hard and formed a swirling orb of psychic energy and launched the ball at Dragonite, hitting it squarely in the chest.
The attack caused Dragonite to reel back in pain but the mighty Dragon-type shook it off with its body glowing with resilience.
Dragonite use Dragon Claw!" Professor Oak commanded.
Dragonite dove toward Espeon with incredible speed with its claws outstretched and glowing a menacing green.
Espeon braced itself as it was ready to dodge but at the last moment, it misjudged the distance ane Dragonite slashed through the air, landing a direct hit on Espeon, sending it crashing to the ground.
Espeon struggled to rise with its body battered but still determined as Sage's heart pounded in her chest as she couldn't let Espeon faint.
Espeon use Dazzling Gleam!" Sage ordered.
Espeon gathered its energy and unleashed a radiant burst of light as the dazzling light strike Dragonite as Dragonite staggered back as it was disoriented from the blinding attack.
Good work, Espeon!" Sage praised although she could see Espeon was struggling as both Pokémon were clearly growing weary from the intense back-and-forth.
Dragonite, however wasn't ready to give up and with a mighty roar, it launched another Dragon Claw, slashing at Espeon and this time Espeon couldn't dodge in time and the blow sent it sprawling to the ground as it barely managed to keep its eyes open.
Espeon, no!" Sage shouted as she was feeling a surge of panic.
Espeon's determination shone through as It struggled to its feet even though it was clearly exhausted as It looked at Sage with its eyes filled with a silent resolve.
Sage knew what she had to do.
Espeon use Hyper Voice!" Sage said with her voice shaking with determination.
Espeon opened its mouth wide and released a powerful, shrill sound that reverberated across the stadium.
The sound waves hit Dragonite with force, causing it to stumble with its focus wavering.
Dragonite, finish this with Hyper Beam!" Professor Oak shouted.
Dragonite gathered an immense amount of energy and charged up its Hyper Beam as the air was crackling with raw power.
Espeon use Psychic!" Sage called out desperately.
Espeon's eyes glowed one last time and released a wave of psychic energy toward Dragonite just as the Hyper Beam was fired.
The two attacks collided and for a moment the arena was filled with blinding light as the energy from both sides clashed violently, creating an explosion that sent shockwaves throughout the stadium.
When the dust finally settled, both Pokémon lay unconscious on the ground as they were unable to battle any longer.
The referee declared both Pokémon unable to battle,and the crowd erupted into applause.
Both trainers are now down to six Pokémon. Let's see what happens next," the referee said with his voice crackling over the speakers.
Sage took a deep breath as she recalled Espeon as she was ready to continue the battle.