Chapter 26: The Mountain Awaits

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Finally" Sage exclaimed as she has officially arrived at the entrance of Mt: Moon as she was excited to see what challenges the new terrain can offer her newly improved team.

Sage then noticed a small Pokémon Center nearby and decided to stop in as she knew her Pokémon could use a quick check-up and she was eager to call Professor Oak to show him her progress

(Scene Change)

Inside the Pokémon Center, Sage called Professor Oak on the Rotom Phone as she was eager to show him the updates in her Pokédex and introduce him to her team as the professor's face appeared on the screen as he looked delighted to see her.

Ah, Sage! Great to see you. How's the journey been so far?" Professor Oak asked warmly.

Sage grinned as she held up her Rotom Phone to share her latest entries. 

It's been amazing! I wanted to show you how well my team is growing" Sage said.

Professor Oak examined her Pokédex entries as he looked at Charmeleon and Pidgeotto entries with a look of approval. 

You're making excellent progress, Sage and your Charmeleon and Pidgeotto look so strong! Oh, and your Butterfree looks powerful" Professor Oak said.

You're all pushing each other forward, which is wonderful but tell me, Sage do you have any idea what your sixth Pokémon might be?" Professor Oak asked.

I'm not sure yet, Professor. I want it to be a strong addition but I haven't found the right one" Sage said as she wanted her sixth Pokemon to be a strong edition on he team.

Well, I recently heard from one of my clients about a Squirtle sighting in Mt. Moon and It's quite rare to find a Squirtle in the wild but it does happen on occasions" Professor Oak said.

A Squirtle? Really?" Sage asked in shock

Indeed! And just think about the potential—you could have a powerful Blastoise one day" Professor Oak said

That would be incredible! I'll definitely keep an eye out for it" Sage said as she could already picture a very strong Blastoise on her team.

I thought that might interest you so be careful in Mt. Moon as the place is known for its Zubat and Geodude swarms and there may be other trainers and obstacles along the way so just stay focused and trust your team" Professor Oak said seriously.

"Thanks, Professor Oak. I will," Sage said with determination filling her voice.

As she ended the call, Sage felt a renewed sense of purpose as the idea of finding a Squirtle in the wild was exhilarating and she couldn't wait to explore the mysteries of Mt. Moon.

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