Chapter 74: Into the Safari Zone (Part II)

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Sage and Leaf saw the Team Rocket grunts began walking away as Sage and Leaf followed as they stayed low, their movements synchronized as they followed the Team Rocket grunts deeper into the Safari Zone.

Sage glanced at her Pikachu, then at the narrow path ahead as she recalled her Electric Pokemon back into its Pokéball as Leaf did the same with her Jolteon.

Sage and Leaf was hiding continuously behind trees and bushes as they were listening in on the Team Rocket grunts conversation.

We need to catch more Pokémon to make the boss happy," one grunt muttered as he was clearly annoyed.

Yeah, the boss is furious. I heard one of his sons is fighting against Team Rocket for a while now" the female grunt said.

Sage and Leaf exchanged a quick glance, their curiosity piqued. The boss has sons? And one of them is against Team Rocket? Questions swirled in their minds as they carefully followed the group.

The grunts entered a clearing, and the sight before Sage and Leaf made their hearts race.

Tied to a tree was Janine, Fuchsia City's Gym Leader as her usually calm demeanor was replaced with visible frustration and besides her was a older man—likely a Safari Zone caretaker—was similarly restrained. Both looked exhausted but unharmed.

Sage gestured for Leaf to stop as Sage said.

Do any of your Pokémon know moves that can put them to sleep?" Sage asked.

Leaf smirked, already pulling out a Pokéball.

Perfect timing for this" Leaf said as she tossed the Pokéball gently into the air and her Venusaur materialized as Sage was happy to see her best friend starter evolve.

Venusaur use Sleep Powder on the grunts" Leaf gently said.

The Flower Pokémon nodded, its massive flower bud releasing a cloud of shimmering green powder as the fine particles drifted toward the unsuspecting grunts, who continued talking, oblivious to the approaching mist.

Within moments, the grunts began to sway on their feet.

Why do I feel... so..." one of them slurred before collapsing. The others followed suit, each hitting the ground in a deep sleep.

Sage grinned. "Perfect! Nice work, Leaf."

Leaf recalled Venusaur with a nod. "Let's hurry before more show up."

The two friends crept into the clearing, carefully stepping around the unconscious grunts. Sage knelt beside Janine, pulling out a small pocketknife to cut the ropes binding her.

You're safe now," Sage whispered as she freed the Gym Leader as Janine smiled.

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