Sage remained hidden behind the rock as she was watching the Team Rocket grunts go about their shady business as their voices carried over to her and she picked up pieces of their conversation.
Alright, remember the boss's orders we have to capture every Pokémon we find here in Mt. Moon especially the rare ones like Clefairy" One of the team rocket grunts sneered.
Hearing that, Sage quickly pulled out her Rotom Phone and searched for information on Clefairy as she read the entry.
Known for its mysterious behavior, Clefairy is said to come from the Moon as It dances under the stars at night and it is very rare to find in the wild.
I can't let them capture it" Sage muttered
Just then, Sage attention shifted to a small cage beside one of the grunts where a weakened Squirtle lay as Sage's heart sank when she noticed the poor Pokémon's sickly pallor and the clear signs of poisoning.
This had to be the Squirtle that Professor Oak had told her about and the Squirtle she wanted to capture as Sage clenched her fists as she was determined to help it.
Without wasting a moment, she dialed Officer Jenny on her Rotom Phone. When the officer answered, Sage quickly explained the situation.
"Officer Jenny, I've found Team Rocket," she whispered urgently. "They're here in Mt. Moon."
Without wasting a moment, Sage dialed Officer Jenny on her Rotom Phone and when the officer answered, Sage quickly explained the situation.
Officer Jenny, I've found Team Rocket, they are here in Mt. Moon and they plan on stealing all the Pokemon that lives in the cave" Sage said.
Where exactly in Mt. Moon are you?" Officer Jenny's voice was filled with concern.
I'm near the western cave entrance that" Sage replied.
I'm close to your location so give me two minutes" Officer Jenny said confidently.
Sage hung up and carefully peeked over the rock as she was still keeping a close eye on the grunts as she noticed one of them kicking a few stray rocks and muttering something along the lines of the dumb little Clefairies
Sage blood boiled at how casually cruel they were and her resolve to defeat them strengthened even more.
Soon enough, Officer Jenny arrived as she knelt quietly next to Sage as Officer Jenny was scanning the scene.
We need a plan" Officer Jenny said as she was keeping her voice low.
There are ten of them so we have to catch them off guard" Officer Jenny said.
My Eevee knows Hyper Voice" Sage suggested as her eyes was sparkling with determination.
We can use it to disorient them and then you can jump in to arrest them and free the captured Pokémon" Sage said.
Good thinking" Officer Jenny said as she was impressed with Sage.
Sage gave Officer Jenny a quick nod as Sage took a deep breath and then released Eevee from its Poké Ball as the little Pokémon landed silently at her side as it's eyes was sharp and alert.
Alright, Eevee" Sage whispered.
I need you to use Hyper Voice as loud as you can" Sage said.
Eevee nodded as it began focusing on the grunts and In a flash, Eevee leaped into view and unleashed a powerful Hyper Voice as iit's sound waves echoed through the cave with a force that sent the grunts stumbling and clutching their ears in pain and confusion.
Now!" Officer Jenny yelled as she jumped from her hiding place.
Officer Jenny moved swiftly as she handcuffed the dazed grunts one by one while Sage ran to the cages containing the captured Pokémon as she opened each one quickly as she set several wild Pokémon free and finally she reached the cage containing the poisoned Squirtle.
Officer Jenny caught up to her and handed Sage a small vial.
Here, this is an antidote. It'll neutralize the poison" Officer Jenny said.
Sage took the antidote as she carefully opened the cage as the Squirtle looked up at her with weak, grateful eyes as Sage administered the antidote as she was watching as Squirtle eyes brightened and color began returning to it's blue skin.
You're safe now little guy" Sage whispered gave Squirtle a gentle smile as Squirtle gave a small nod and its eyes sparkled with gratitude.
Once all the Pokémon were free and the grunts were securely restrained, Officer Jenny gave Sage a smile.
You did amazing work today, Sage. I don't think I could've done this without you and Eevee" Officer Jenny as she was glad that she has some team rocket members in her custody to interrogate.
Sage felt a surge of pride as she watched the wild Pokémon scamper off into the safety of the deeper caves as she glanced back at Squirtle who was now standing by her side as it was looking at her with curious eyes.
Hey, Squirtle" Sage said softly as she knelt down and look at the blue Pokemon.
You don't have to come with me but if you like to join my team then I be honored" Saige said as he held out a empty Poké ball.
To her surprise, Squirtle nodded enthusiastically as it was clearly grateful for her help as Sage beamed as Squirtle touched the Poké ball as it entered the ball with a flash of light.
Welcome to the team, Squirtle" Sage said with a smile as she was happy to finally have a full of six as the future looked bright and maybe just maybe Officer Jenny could find out about Team Rocket intentions and what the plan to do.