The tension between Sage and Blue hung thick in the air as they stared each other down as the sound of Zubat cries and distant echoes from Mt. Moon were the only things breaking the silence.
Blue stood with a confident smirk as his arms crossed while Sage gritted her teeth as she could feel the weight of the battle on her shoulders
You ready to lose?" Blue asked arrogantly as he was clearly underestimating Sage.
Wartortle, let's show her how it's done. Use Water Gun!" Blue shouted.
Blue's Wartortle eyes gleamed with readiness as it took aim and shot a powerful jet of water directly at Sage's Charmeleon.
The water hit with a strong force and Sage winced as Charmeleon staggered back as the attack clearly did some heavy damage since Charmeleon was a fire type.
Charmeleon growled in frustration but stood firm as its was body trembling from the hit as Sage gritted her teeth as she refused to show any sign of doubt.
What's the matter, Sage? Already giving up?" Blue taunted as his smugness was apparent in his voice.
Sage clenched her fists as she refused to let Blue's words get to her as she had confidence in her Pokémon and this was far from over.
Charmeleon use Metal Claw!" Sage called as her voice was steady and determined.
Charmeleon's claws glowed with a silvery light as it charged forward and launched a sharp swipe at Wartortle as the attack hit its target and sent Wartortle back with a grunt of pain.
Sage's Rotom Phone buzzed with a notification as she quickly glanced at it and saw a message that said Metal Claw boosted Charmeleon attack stat.
Nice" she muttered under her breath as this was her chance to turn the battle around.
What's this?" Blue raised an eyebrow as he was clearly caught off guard.
Wartortle don't let that affect you! Use Rapid Spin!" Blue shouted.
Wartortle quickly curled into a ball and spun towards Charmeleon with incredible speed and began launching a series of high-speed attacks but Charmeleon was prepared as It ducked and weaved and narrowly avoided the attack.
Charmeleon use Growl!" Sage commanded as she grin as Charmeleon let out a fierce growl that lowered Wartortle's attack.
Now, Charmeleon use Metal Claw at full force!" Sage shouted as her voice was filled with determination.
Charmeleon's claws glowed again but this time with even more intense as It rushed toward Wartortle as Charmeleon was ready to finish this battle but Blue was quick to respond.
Wartortle use Rapid Spin again!" Blue barked.
The two attacks collided in the middle of the battlefield and created a massive explosion of dust and debris as Sage shielded her eyes as she was waiting for the smoke to clear and when it did, she saw Charmeleon panting heavily and standing strong despite the effort it had put into the attack.
Wartortle on the other hand was on the ground as it was unable to battle as it fainted from the impact of Charmeleon's full-powered strike.
Tch... Not bad, Sage. Looks like you really do have a bit of potential to become strong," Blue muttered.
I told you I wasn't going to back down" Sage smiled.
Blue although he was clearly irritated gave a small and a begrudgingly nod.
Yeah, yeah. You won this time but don't think it'll be so easy next time because I'm bringing the heat" Blue said as he recalled Wartortle
Sage beamed as she recalled Charmeleon into its Poké Ball.
I'm looking forward to it, Blue" Sage said
With that the two trainers exchanged a brief nod as the competition between them far from over as Sage walked past Blue as she felt the thrill of victory surge through her.