Sage carefully scoured the bottom level of the ship as her mind racing with thoughts of where Team Rocket might be hiding as she had Shadebark lead the search as the newly evolved Pokemonw as relying on its newfound senses.
Shadebark sniffed the air as its eyes glowed with a newfound determination as suddenly, it barked, signaling that it had picked up a trail and without hesitation, the haunting Pokémon dashed toward the ship's main entrance.
Sage followed, she soon found herself face-to-face with two Team Rocket grunts, each accompanied by a Meowth.
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So, this is the Twerpette who Nova and Brick had trouble with" The female team rocket member said with a chuckle
So, this is the Twerpette who Nova and Brick had trouble with" The female team rocket member said with a chuckle.
I knew the boss made the right call firing those two weaklings" the male team rocket member said with a smirk.
Meow, that's right!" The Meowth said as Sage recoiled in shock as she never head a Pokemon talk before.
Team Rocket, huh? What are you up to now?" Sage asked as the trio began doing some cheesy motto
Jessie: Prepare for Trouble!
James: Make it double!
Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!
James: To unite all peoples within our nation!
Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!
James: To extend our reach to the stars above!
Jessie: Jessie!
James: James!
Jessie: Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!
James: Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Meowth: Meowth! That's right! ♪
Sage sweat-dropped as she was slightly exasperated but ready for the battle ahead.
You're not getting away with this" Sage said confidently.
We demand you hand over all your Pokémon as compensation for interfering in Team Rocket's affairs" Jessie said with an arrogant smirk.
Never" Sage said as she narrowed her eyes.
Then we'll make you wish you never crossed us." James said threw a Pokéball into the air as a Gyarados came out.
Jessie followed suit as she sent out her Weepinbell.
Weepinbell, let's do this!" Jessie said.
Sage responded swiftly as she sent out her Pidgeotto and Pikachu.
Pidgeotto use Storm Dance!" Sage commanded.
Pidgeotto performed a graceful dance as its body radiated a powerful aura that boosted its speed by two stages as Sage smiled as she was glad the custom TM she made worked perfectly.
Perfect, now Pikachu use Thunderbolt on Gyarados!"Sage said.
Gyarados, counter with Dragon Rage!" James called out.
The two attacks collided mid-air, creating a massive explosion as the boat shook with the force of it as Jessie was quick to react.
Weepinbell use Razor Leaf on Pikachu!" Jessie said.
Pidgeotto use air Cutter and destroy the Razor Leaf!" Sage called out.
The gust of wind from Pidgeotto's Air Cutter easily shattered the Razor Leaf attack, sending shards of leaves flying everywhere.
Pikachu use Iron Tail!" Sage called out.
Pikachu lunged forward and slammed its Iron Tail into Weepinbell's head, sending the Grass-type crashing into a nearby wall as Meowth watched in awe.
Wow, the Twerpette is actually strong!" Meowth said in fear.
Pikachu use hunderbolt and Pidgeotto use Air Cutter!" Sage called out.
Both Pokémon launched their moves as the attacks hit Gyarados and Weepinbell with explosive force as the combination of Thunderbolt and Air Cutter sent both Team Rocket's Pokémon flying and created a massive explosion that caused the ship to shake.
Jessie and James were sent flying into the air as their voices fading as they tumbled away.
At least we distracted the Twerpette" Jessie said through gritted teeth.
The boss is not going to be happy when he learns we lost to a ten-year-old" James groaned.
Together, they shouted in unison: "TEAM ROCKET IS BLASTING OFF AGAIN!" And with that, they disappeared into the sky, leaving Sage standing victorious.