Sage and Brock hurried through the chaos as they were busy making sure everyone was safe from the raging fire that had consumed the Pewter City Museum.
Sage's heart was pounding and she could feel the heat of the flames and the air was thick with smoke them and the sounds of the fire were deafening.
Sage could see people trying to stay calm and some people was helping each other to safety but it was clear that the situation was far from under control.
Brock face was grim and determined as he helped direct the crowd and he was making sure no one was trapped and that the firemen were getting through to fight the flames.
Sage had never seen him look so serious as his usual calm and collected demeanor was replaced by urgency and concern.
Suddenly a woman screamed as her voice was filled with panic as Sage turned around as her heart skipped a beat.
My baby girl! She's still inside!" The woman was sobbing as her hands was wringing in distress and her eyes were wild with fear as her face was pale with the terror of knowing her child was trapped inside the burning museum.
Sage's stomach dropped as the sight of the woman in such distress tore at her heart as she could feel the weight of the situation pressing down on her and the woman's cries echoed in her mind.
Please, someone help! My daughter! She's still in there!" The woman said as she began crying.
Sage's legs froze for a moment as the smoke was thick and the flames were dangerous as she was just about to rush inside but then she noticed Brock's hesitation as he looked torn and his brow furrowed in conflict.
Brock took a deep breath and then turned toward Sage as his voice was quiet but filled with an underlying seriousness.
Sage," Brock said as his eyes looked directly into hers.
I know you're eager to help but this situation is dangerous. The fire's spreading fast and those Magmar could still be in there. I—I need you to understand just how serious this is" Brock said with seriousness in her voice.
herge nodded as her fists was clenched at her sides as her desire to rush in was overwhelming but she knew Brock was right as the situation was getting out of control and she had to be smart.
Brock continued as his voice was much softer now.
Although I hate to ask you this, could you... could you go inside the museum and rescue that little girl? If there's any chance she's still in there we have to get her out and while you're in there see if you can find out why the Magmar attacked. We need to know if there's a reason behind this" Brock said.
Sage took one look at woman crying face as she already made her decision.
I'll do it" Sage said as she looked at the museum as she knew this mission wasn't about to be easy but she was determined to save the little girl and find out why the Magmar decided to attack the museum.