Chapter 113: Ground of Determination Part I

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Sage walked with purpose through the streets of Viridian City with her heart pounding in excitement as she approached the massive structure of the Viridian Gym. 

This was it the final gym challenge standing between her and the Pokémon League. 

Sage stepped inside as the familiar sight of the Gym Guide greeted her.

Welcome, Challenger!" the Gym Guide said with a grin. 

Viridian city gym leader specializes in **Ground-type** Pokémon and they are weak to **Water, Grass and Ice-type** moves, so plan accordingly." the gym guide said as he reached into his bag and handed Sage five lemonade to heal her team

Sage nodded in gratitude as she pocketed the drinks before making her way up the towering steps that led to the battlefield. 

As she reached the top, she was met by the confident gaze of Daisy who was standing at the far end of the gym's grand arena.

Welcome to my gym, Sage" Daisy greeted warmly.

I have to say, I'm very proud of you, Red, Leaf and Blue for defeating Aviation and it brings me so much joy to see how far you've come on your journey but now, you have to face me. If you want the Earth Badge, you'll have to earn it!" Daisy said.

 Lets do this" Sage said confidently.

This will be a **three-on-three so lets begin!" Daisy declared as she took out her first Pokéball.

Sage grabbed a Pokéball of her own and tossed it forward.

Let's go Shadebark!" Sage called out as Shadebark appeared and let out a low, eerie growl as it materialized onto the battlefield. 

Daisy responded by sending out her first Pokémon which was a Marowak.

Sage's Rotom Phone buzzed and displayed Marowak's Pokédex entry on the screen.

Marowak the Bone Keeper Pokémon: its tempered skull is as hard as diamond and it wields its bone as a weapon with remarkable skill.

Sage analyzed the matchup quickly as Ground-types were weak to Grass as this gave Shadebark a clear advantage as Sage wasted no time calling out her first move.

Shadebark use Shadow Ball!" Sage called out.

Shadebark let out a haunting howl and summoned a swirling ball of ghostly energy before launching it toward Marowak.

Marowak use your bone to knock it away!" Daisy called out.

Marowak spun its thick bone club and batted the Shadow Ball aside sending it crashing into the gym wall as Sage narrowed her eyes as Daisy wasn't going to be easy to crack.

Marowak use Stomping Tantrum!" Daisy commanded.

Marowak stomped the ground furiously sending out a powerful shockwave as the attack slammed into Shadebark making the Grass/Ghost Pokémon skid backward as Sage winced at the impact.

Shadebark, fight back with Energy Ball!" Sage called out.

Shadebark quickly recovered, summoning a glowing sphere of green energy before launching it at Marowak as the attack landed, causing Marowak to stumble back but it still stood firm.

Marowak use Bone Club" Daisy called out.

Marowak dashed forward and began swinging its bone rapidly attempted to land multiple strikes.

Dodge it, Shadebark!" Sage called.

Shadebark nimbly leaped and swerved and avoided the relentless barrage of attacks. 

Marowak use Flamethrower point blank" Daisy called out as Marowak opened its mouth and unleashed a searing hot jet of flames towards Shadebark from a close range.

Shadebark, counter with Shadow Ball!" Sage called out.

Shadebark launched another Shadow Ball at Marowak attack causing the two attacks to collide in an explosive shockwave that pushed both Pokémon back. 

Dust and embers filled the air as Sage prepared her next move.

Shadebark use Magical Leaf" Sage shouted.

Shadebark let out another howl, sending out a flurry of shimmering, green leaves that curved through the air and zero in on Marowak.

Marowak, block it!" Daisy called out but it was too late as the Magical Leaf attack struck Marowak directly sending the Ground-type Pokémon crashing onto the floor.

Sage's Rotom Phone buzzed again.

**Critical hit!**

Marowak let out a weak groan before its body went limp as It had fainted.

Sage smiled as Daisy sighed and recalled Marowak back into its Pokéball.

Not bad but the battle's far from over!" Daisy said with a smirk

Daisy reached for her second Pokéball with her expression filled with determination as Sage tightened her grip on Shadebark's Pokéball with her heart pounding in excitement.

The Viridian Gym battle had only just begun.

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