Chapter 68: A Warm Reunion and New Strategies

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Sage walked briskly through the Underground Path, which connected the bustling area of Route seven to Route eight.

The path was dimly lit but it provided a quick shortcut and within moments, Sage emerged on the other side as the vibrant Celadon City was now in view as Sage smiled as she walked and now she has officially arrived in Celadon city.

This is it, my fourth gym badge is here and the gym leader will use Mega evolution in the battle" Sage thought as she already had a strategy but first she needed to heal her Pokemon.

Smiling, Sage made her way to the Pokémon Center, where she immediately took her Pokémon to the healing station as she felt a sense of relief knowing that her team was in top condition, especially since the upcoming battle would be one of the toughest yet.

Charizard was already a powerhouse but Sage was determined to make sure every Pokémon had their time to shine—especially Wartortle, who hadn't had a prominent role in her team for a while.

As she considered her strategy, Sage mentally ran through the battle in her head. Charizard would be a strong pick for the Gym Leader, but Wartortle's versatility and new moves could provide some surprises.

As Sage was deep in thought, a familiar voice interrupted her.

Sage!" her mother, Emma called out from the entrance of the Pokémon Center as Sage's face lit up in surprise and joy.

Sage quickly went to hug her mother and said.

Mom, what are you doing here?" Sage asked as she was happy to see her mother.

Me and your father are supposed to be going on vacation but he running late so I decided to come here and wait for him" Emma said.

Sage smiled, felt comforted by the presence of her mother as Emma pulled back slightly as she said.

By the way, how's Eevee doing?" Emma asked.

Sage's face brightened as she sent out Espeon, her trusted Psychic-type Pokémon.

Eevee evolved during my second Gym battle and completely destroyed Misty Starmie" Sage said proudly.

Emma gasped in surprise and knelt down to hug Espeon, who purred happily in return.

Oh, my! You look beautiful, Espeon!" Emma said as she couldn't believe Eevee had evolved.

Sage beamed as she watched the joyful reunion between her mother and Espeon as Emma pulled something from her Pocket.

Oh I also have something for you sweetheart" Emma said as she took out a TM from her purse as this was the TM for Ice Punch

Thanks, Mom. This will be perfect for my fourth Gym battle" Sage said excitedly.

Sage immediately taught the TM to Wartortle, who eagerly learned the move as Sage checked her Rotom Phone for the updated moveset:



Ice Punch

Hydro Sphere

Aqua Jet

Water Pulse

Sage felt a surge of excitement. Wartortle's new moveset would be crucial for the upcoming challenge.

Looks like we're all set" Sage murmured as she looked down at her now-empowered Wartortle as her team was ready for whatever came next and she felt more prepared than ever for the upcoming Gym battle.

With a final hug to her mom, Sage smiled. "Thanks, Mom. I'm going to win this Gym battle.

Good luck, Sage. I know you'll do great," Emma said, her eyes filled with pride. "Now, I'll wait for your father. Go on, show them what you've got!.

Sage smiled as she walked out the Pokemon center as she was determined to win her fourth gym badge.

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