Chapter 19: Fire at the Pewter City Museum

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Sage stepped out of the Pewter City Gym as her heart racing with excitement as her first Gym Badge was now securely tucked into her bag as it was a proud reminder of her hard work and the bond she shared with her Pokémon.

Sage glanced down at Charmeleon's and Butterfree's Poké Balls as a smile spreading across her face.

We did it, Charmeleon and you too Butterfree. I'm so proud of both of you" Sage said.

Just as Sage was about to get lost in the warmth of her triumph her Rotom Phone buzzed with a call as It was from Daisy.

Sage! Are you there?" Daisy's voice crackled through the device.

I've been trying to reach you. I'm currently at Mt. Moon and I just wanted to let you know that it seems Team Rocket isn't here after all" Daisy said

Wait, what? Team Rocket isn't in Mt. Moon? But I thought they was supposed to be there" Sage said as she was starting to feel that something wrong was happening in Mt. Moon.

Sage suddenly smelled smoke and then a loud explosion echoed throughout Pewter City as Sage looked up just in time to see Brock rushing out of the Gym as his face was filled with concern.

What's going on?" Sage asked, hurrying toward him.

I don't know but I heard something and it sounded awfully like a Pokemon so stay close" Brock said seriously.

Just then a small boy who was no older than four  ran up to them as he was panting heavily and his face was red with panic.

The Pewter City Museum is on fire!" the boy exclaimed as he was pointing toward the distant museum building as his voice was wavered in fear.?

The museum? How—" Sage attempted to say but Brock cut her off.

Let's go, quickly!" Brock cut in as he was already turning to sprint toward the museum as Sage didn't hesitate and she followed him as her heart was pounding in her chest.

As they reached the museum a cloud of smoke billowed into the sky and the building was engulfed in flames as the once grand structure was now a fiery inferno and the windows shattered and flames was licking at the edges of the walls. 

Several people stood around as they were watching helplessly while others tried to douse the flames with water buckets of water and hoses.

Brock quickly approached a woman standing nearby as the woman hands was trembling.

What happened here?" Brock asked as he was trying to keep his voice steady.

The woman looked up at him as her eyes was wide with fear. 

A group of Magmar. They suddenly barged into the museum and then... then the fire started. We tried to stop them but they were too strong" The woman said.

Magmar" Sage said in confusion as she pulled out her Rotom Phone and began searching for Magmar name.

A holographic image of Magmar appeared on her Rotom Phone screen followed by a detailed Pokedex entry.

Magmar the Spitfire Pokémon.


It's known for its fiery temperament and its ability to shoot flames from its body. Magmar's body temperature is incredibly high and it is said to be able to ignite any material it touches.

Magmar? Why would they attack the museum? And why here in Pewter City? Sage said as she could for some reason tell Magmar wasn't a common Pokemon in Pewter City.

Do you think it's connected to Team Rocket?" Sage asked as her voice was urgent.

Brock frowned as he began rubbing his chin.

It's possible. Team Rocket has been known to use Pokémon to cause chaos in certain areas but this... this doesn't seem like their usual tactic and It's too disorganized since Magmar are wild and unpredictable" Brock said.

Then we have to stop this. If we can find out what's causing all of this then maybe we can prevent more destruction" Sage said

Right. But first, let's make sure everyone is safe. We can't do much until the fire is under control" Brock said.

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