Sage arrived at the entrance of Cerulean city as she was excited to see what this new uncharted territory has to offer as next to Sage was Eevee who was displayed a sense of calmness as it was looking at the sun in wonder.
Sage tilted her head curiously as she kneelt down to Eevee level.
Eevee, you've been acting a little different lately. Is something going on?" Sage asked in confusion.
Eevee looked up at her and let out a cheerful chirp before gazing at the sun again.
Deciding to get to the bottom of it, Sage pulled out her Rotom Phone and directed it toward Eevee.
Alright, Rotom, let's figure out what's happening here" Sage said.
The screen flickered to life as displayed text and images of Eevee's unique evolution potential.
Rotom Phone Entry:
Your Eevee is displaying signs of a strong bond with its trainer and when a Eevee's friendship with its trainer reaches maximum levels, it has the potential to evolve into either Espeon or Umbreon.
Espeon and Umbreon" Sage said in confusion.
The Room Phone then showed entries for both Pokémon:
Espeon: The Sun Pokémon. Espeon is known for its psychic powers, which it uses to protect its trainer. Its fine fur acts as a sensitive radar, detecting even the faintest changes in the air.
Umbreon: The Moonlight Pokémon. Umbreon is known for its stealthy and protective nature as this Pokemon is known for lurking in the dark for prey.
Wow... Espeon and Umbreon so this is why you've been looking at the sun so much, Eevee. You're getting ready to evolve!" Sage said excitedly.
Eevee jumped up and down as gave a happy cry as Sage smiled.
Sage crouched down and gently scratched behind Eevee's ear.
You've come so far already, and now you're ready for the next step. I'm so proud of you" Sage said as she decided to head to the Pokemon center to heal her team before heading to the Cerulean gym.