Sage stood with a sense of excitement and anticipation, knowing this battle would be the last hurdle before she claimed her final Gym badge.
The battle had been intense and now it was time to face Daisy's final Pokémon.
Sage recalled Blastoise and sent out Charizard, her trusted starter as Daisy closed her eyes briefly before sending out her final Pokemon: Sandslash.
Sage Rotom Phone buzzed and displayed Sandslash Pokédex entry.
Sandslash the Mouse Pokémon: Sandslash's claws can crush even the hardest of boulders. It uses its claws to protect itself from enemies and often digging underground to escape danger.
This is it, Sage show me your strength!" Daisy called out.
Sage's fingers brushed over her Key Stone necklace and a surge of energy flow through her as she closed her eyes for a moment and then spoke with confidence.
Charizard, let's do this! Mega Evolve!" Sage called out as in a burst of energy, Charizard's form shifted with its wings expanding and its fiery tail burning brighter and its body gaining a majestic, powerful aura.
The energy from Mega Evolution enveloped Charizard, transforming it into Mega Charizard X with its strength amplified beyond its normal limits.
Charizard use Flamethrower!" Sage called out as Charizard released a massive stream of intense flames towards Sandslash.
The fire engulfed the arena with overwhelming heat as Sage could feel the power of the attack radiating from her Pokémon.
Sandslash, counter with Gunk Shot!" Daisy called out.
Sandslash gathered its strength and launched a barrage of toxic sludge directly at Charizard.
The two attacks collided mid-air, creating an enormous shockwave that sent gusts of wind throughout the gym as Flames and toxic sludge mixed in a chaotic swirl, filling the air with an acrid smell.
Sage's eyes narrowed as she focused on the battle.
Charizard, keep up the pressure—use Dragon Claw!" Sage called out
Charizard's claws glowed with intense energy as it darted towards Sandslash with its dragon-powered strike ready to land.
Sandslash use Iron Defense!" Daisy shouted.
Sandslash immediately hunkered down with its body becoming covered in a layer of metallic armor, making it more resistant to Charizard's attacks.
Charizard's Dragon Claw struck but Sandslash was able to withstand much of the damage thanks to its defensive stance.
Charizard, let's finish this! Seismic Toss!" Sage called out.
Charizard's body crackled with energy as it grabbed Sandslash and lifted the ground type Pokemon high into the air and with a powerful seismic toss, Charizard slammed Sandslash into the ground as the force of the impact created a tremor through the gym.
Sandslash groaned and was slowly struggling to stand as Daisy looked on with concern.
Come on, Sandslash. You've got this!" Daisy encouraged.
Charizard end this with Flamethrower" Sage called out as with one final roar Charizard launched a devastating flamethrower that completely covered Sandslash creating a huge fiery explosion and after a few moments, the smoke cleared, revealing Sandslash lying on the ground, fainted.
Sage breathed a sigh of relief as Charizard landed gracefully back on the battlefield with its Mega Evolution fading as its body returned to its regular form.
Daisy smiled, though she was clearly exhausted as she approached Sage and extended her hand.
That was a great battle, Sage. You've truly earned this victory" Daisy said with a smile.
Thanks, Daisy. You and your Pokémon were incredible. I won't forget this battle" Sage said with a grin as she was shaking Daisy hand.
With that, Daisy reached into her pocket and handed Sage the Earth Badge which was the final gym badge Sage needed.
You've earned this, Sage" Daisy said with her eyes twinkling with pride.
Sage looked at the Earth Badge as she was extremely happy as she finally got all the gym badges she needed and now the Pokemon league was her final destination but first she will need to wait for Red, Leaf and Green to get all their gym badges.