Sage was walking through Route 25 with excitement radiating around her as she was finally going to meet Bill who invented the PC system in the Pokemon centers and on the Rotom Phone as Sage was hoping to learn somethings from Bill.
Her journey through the route was peaceful with birds chirping in the trees as Sage smiled to herself, thinking about the upcoming adventures—Vermilion City, the S.S. Anne and of course.
Sage wanted to meet Leaf, Red and Blue in vermilion city and see how strong they've become and sort of Pokemon they caught.
Finally a small cottage appeared at the end of Route 25 as Sage smiled but then something caught her eye as her body tensed as she saw two familiar figures standing near Bill's cottage as it was Butch and Nova and they were harassing Bill who was on his knees, pleading for help.
Sage's eyes narrowed as she recognized the two from their encounter in Viridian Forest as Butch and Nova saw Sage and their eyes flashed with anger meaning they didn't forget about what happened in Viridian city.
Help me trainer" Bill pleaded.
Nova snarled as she was shaking in anger while Butch snarled at the sight of Sage.
Well, well, if it isn't the little trainer from Viridian Forest" Butch sneered.
You think you can stop us again" Nova scowled in anger.
Sage didn't flinch as she took out two Pokéballs and said.
Charmeleon, Pidgeotto, go!" she called, her voice steady and firm as Charmeleon appeared with a fiery blaze in its eyes while Pidgeotto took to the skies with a sharp, commanding screech.
Koffing, come on out" Nova said as she sent out her Koffing.
Bellsprout, this is your moment to shine" Butch said as he sent out Bellsprout.
Sage's Rotom Phone buzzed as it scanned Bellsprout as the device quickly displayed the Pokémon's Pokédex entry
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Bellsprout the Flower Pokémon: this Pokemon is known for its ability to use its vine to ensnare foes, it is commonly found in grassy fields and forests.
Charmeleon use Fire Tail on Koffing!" Sage ordered.
Charmeleon's tail flared with intense heat and with a powerful swing of its fiery tail, it struck Koffing sending the Poison-type Pokémon flying backward as Koffing groaned in pain.
Koffing use Smokescreen!" Nova shouted as she was desperate to turn the tide of the battle.
Koffing released a thick, toxic cloud of smoke that enveloped the battlefield and reducing visibility but Sage wasn't fazed.
Pidgeotto use Gale Slash!" Sage commanded.
Pidgeotto flapped its wings rapidly as it flew towards the grass Pokemon and slammed it wings into Bellsprout head-on sending it reeling backwards in pain.
Bellsprout use Razor Leaf!" Butch barked.
Bellsprout launched a barrage of sharp leaves from its vines, aimed directly at Charmeleon. Sage reacted quickly.
Charmeleon use Growl!" Sage shouted.
Charmeleon let out a deafening roar as a burst of fiery energy escaped its mouth as the flames shot forward like a fireball not only hitting Bellsprout but also striking Koffing as the combined force of the attack caused Koffing and Bellsprout to faint.
That wasn't growl" Sage thought in surprise as Sage Rotom Phone buzzed and displayed a message that made Sage happy.
Charmeleon has learned Flame Burst and has replaced Growl with this new move.
Sage smiled as she read the text as she was glad that Growl was finally gone and Charmeleon learned a fire move that will be useful in the future
Butch and Nova quickly recalled their fainted Pokémon as their faces twisted in frustration and without a word, they turned and fled.
Thank you trainer, those team rocket grunts because I found something that seems very important inside seafoam Island while I was searching for rare Pokemon" Bill said as he reached his bag and pulled out.
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From what those team rocket grunts was talking about it seems that this stone is called the Icy Rock and I don't know why team rocket wants it but this rock will be safer in the hands of a capable trainer like you" Bill smiled
From what those team rocket grunts was talking about it seems that this stone is called the Icy Rock and I don't know why team rocket wants it but this rock will be safer in the hands of a capable trainer like you" Bill smiled.
Sage took the stone carefully as It reminded her of the Molten Rock that had been stolen during the Pewter City Museum fire as she wondered if this rock could be connected to another legendary bird Pokemon.