Luke Imagine for luciaatjemii

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You were sitting in your bedroom, doing an essay that was due in a few days, and you have been having writers block for a few days now, so you are having trouble trying to write it and it was stressing you out.

"Heyy, babygirl," you heard the voice of your wonderful Aussie boyfriend from behind you. You turned around to see him dressed quite smartly, and you wondered why. He was wearing a skinny fit, dark red dress shirt which made him look so fucking hot. It literally looked like his muscles, or his very broad shoulders, were going to rip through the shirt. He was also wearing his signature black skinny jeans, but the ones that actually don't have rips.

"Heyy, Luke. Why are you dressed up?" you asked him, still not able to take my eyes off of him.

"I have noticed that you have been stressed for the last few days and I thought we could go out for a meal and take your mind off of it. We haven't been out since I got back and I wanted to treat you," he said and you could feel yourself smile like a maniac. He was the sweetest. And it is true, he got back from touring nearly a month ago and we haven't been out yet because you was always busy with school, and when you wasn't he was either down at the studio or at a meeting.

"Aww Lukey. You didn't have to," you told him as you got up and walked towards him, where he was still standing in the doorway.

"Oh, but I did," he said and smiled that adorable smile that you love so much. "I love you baby," he said and then placed a gentle kiss onto your lips and you couldn't help but smile.

"I love you too Luke," you said. "Okay, let me get ready and then we can go?" you asked him.

"You look fine the way you are now angel," he said, examining your outfit.

You looked down and saw that you were in your dark blue skinny jeans and Luke's red chequered shirt.

"But I look a bit under dressed compared to you..." you said as you admired his outfit once again.

"Honestly, you look as beautiful as ever and we aren't going anywhere fancy because I know you don't like that high-end shit," he said and you couldn't help but laugh because that was true.

"Okay, okay. You win," you smiled and gave him a kiss, but pulled back before he could return it.

You both walked out of the house and got into his car that was parked in the driveway and started driving.

"So, where are we going?" you asked and he just smiled.

"You will have to wait princess," he said and you groaned because you hate it when he does that.

It was only about a 10 minute drive anyway so it wasn't actually that far.

When you arrived, you had pulled up outside a really nice place. It looked pretty causal, but it had a hit of class, which you didn't mind.

"M'lady," you heard being said and it was then that you realised that Luke was standing in front of you, holding the car door open.

"Why thank you," you said and you both shared a laugh.

You got in and the whole meal was consisted of you two just talking and laughing, Luke complimenting you as much as he could within the time you had. It honestly took your mind off of everything and you was so thankful for that.

When you was on our way home, you noticed that Luke was starting to get a bit fidgety.

"What's the matter Luke?" you asked him as you saw him bouncing his leg up and down and tapping the steering wheel.

"Nothing," he said with a strained voice, and you followed to where his other hand that wasn't on the steering wheel was. It was on his crotch, and you saw he was palming himself. You felt yourself starting to get a bit excited over it and bit your lip to stop from saying anything, trying to wait till you got home.

When you arrived home, you got out of the car first and ran to the door, opening it and getting in.

"Where are you going (Y/N)?" (A/N sorry you didn't give me your name, so I just put that) he asked as he followed you in and he closed the door.

You decided to take charge for once and pushed him against the door, it only worked because he was caught off guard otherwise you wouldn't have been able to budge him due to you only being 5"4.

"I saw what you was doing in the car," you said as you looked up at him and he must have realised what you were on about but he didn't show any shock, he just smirked.

"Oh really? So what you gunna do about it?" he teased.

"Nothing," you simply stated and walked off upstairs, smirking to yourself.

"Oh no you don't," he said and he quickly chased after you upstairs and into your bedroom.

He walked up to you and grabbed you, one hand at the back of your neck and the other was on the small of your back, keeping you in place. He then smashed his lips onto yours, and soon, a heated make-out session was happening, and he couldn't keep his hands from roaming all over you.

"You're so fucking beautiful," he groaned.

Your hand reached down and started to palm him through his tight jeans, causing him to release a moan.

You decided to give him a treat. You tore your lips from his and then sunk to your knees, but not taking your eyes off of him. You started to up-zip and unbutton his jeans and once that was done, you pulled them down, along with his boxers, casing his hard length to shoot up.

You instantly took his length into your mouth and pumped the rest of it with your hand of what you couldn't fit.

"Fuck!" Luke grunted.

After a few minutes of you doing this, Luke stopped you.

"Strip for me baby," he said as he was taking his trousers off of his ankles and pulling his t-shirt off as well. You did as he said and stripped of your clothes until you were completely naked. Luke picked you up and placed you gently on the bed.

Luke started kissing you again and you felt his fingers teasing you where you wanted him most.

"Luke," you whimpered and he didn't need you to say anything else.

He grabbed hold of his length and started to push it into you. It did sting a little because you haven't done it in a while and you needed stretching out again.

"Fuck! You're so tight!" he groaned, and finally all of it was in. "I love you so much (Y/N)," he said and that was when he started thrusting, mixture of gentle and rough, poring all of his love for you into it.

When you two had finished and calmed down, you just laid in each other's arms and stayed like the rest of the night, exchanging 'I love you's' every now and again.

**There you go! I hope you liked it! Sorry if it isn't that great, I haven't wrote one of these in ages and I am trying to get back in the habit. Please fav and comment what you thought!**

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