#12 You Give Him A Boner

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Thank you so much for all the reads and votes, they might not be much but they mean a lot to me. Thank you!

Luke: You’re with the boys all day just wondering around the mall, going in different shops and just messing around with one another. All day though, you had realised Luke was being more touchy than normal, always holding your hand, arm around your waist, occasionally his hand will slip down towards your bum as well. It got you thinking why he was acting like this because he is never like this. Well not in public anyway... When you all got back to the car, Luke didn't let you sit on the seat you were originally on, instead, he pulled you onto his lap and wrapped the seat belt around you to secure you. You started to fidget around, trying to get comfortable, but all of a sudden you Luke moan, and not quietly either. You all stared at him questionably and you all saw his cheeks turn pink. That's when you feel it. You had just given Luke Hemming’s a boner.

Calum: You were at the cinema with your boyfriend, Calum Hood and you were seeing the new Amazing Spider-man 2 that had recently come out. You were near the back so you could have a bit of privacy and not get noticed by fans and that and you hadn't really spent that much time with Calum because of tour and all that. So when he suggested the movies, you were all up for it. It got to half way through the movie and your hand, which had been resting on Calum's thigh the whole movie, absentmindedly starting rubbing along the inside of his thigh. You actually didn't know what you were doing because you were too engrossed in the film to notice. It wasn't until you noticed that Calum let out a moan-like sound. You looked at him and he had his eyes shut in pleasure and that is when you realised what you were doing and that you had given him a boner.

Michael: You were spending the night out with your friends at a club and you were sitting and the bar on your own drinking your drink because all of your friends had left and went off dancing with somebody, some have already gone home with them and that.  You had to admit thought, you were getting bored and you were starting to think that you should go home soon. All of a sudden you heard a deep voice beside you say, "What's a pretty girl like you, doing here sitting alone?" you looked up at him and saw the most gorgeous boy you have seen in your life. "My friends left me," you shrugged, acting like it was no big deal. "Come on," the mystery boy grabbed your hand and led you to the dance floor as a new song had begun. You spun around so your back was to his front and you started grinding on him, with him guiding your hips into him deeper. After a few minutes you felt something hard digging into your bum and you knew exactly what it was. After that you went to his house to help him.

Ashton: You were sitting on the sofa, cuddling up to your boyfriend, Ashton and you were just talking about random stuff. Him talking about his music and the boys and you talking about college. "I love you," he says randomly while you were talking about what happened in English with your teacher. You look at him to find him already leaning in and then he connected his lips onto yours and started kissing you passionately and you were enjoying it so much. He big hands, caressing your face and making you feel safe and secure. You then all of a sudden swung your leg around his waist and was straddling him and he moved his hands to your hips and made you move them, digging down into his lap, causing him to close his eyes and moan and you kept at it, knowing it was pleasuring him so much. "Want to take this upstairs?" he whisper in your ear as you felt his boner poke you. Let's just say you had fun all night long.

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