#26 Caught Texting And Teacher Reads It Out Loud

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Luke: You handed your phone over, worried about nothing, when your teacher began reading your texts from Luke out loud. "Well I know you're in school right now, but I miss you and can't wait to come home just to see you smile 4 me. I love you babe." Your teacher read out and the girls in the class in unison belted 'aw' making it hard for you not to smile. Your teacher stood there with a straight face staring back at you. "Well isn't that just so cute...no more texting in my class, [Y/N]. I won't tell you again." He said bitterly handing you back your phone. He failed at trying to embarrass you in front of the class.

Calum: You sat there in your seat blushing madly as your teacher read your text messages out loud. "Babe can you come home soon? I have arranged us a date for tonight and I am really hoping you will like it! Anyways, love ya babe, can't wait to see ya," A few of your classmates awed, but the boys all looked disgusted, but that's only because they don't like the idea of actually treating a girl right. Your friend next to you whispered a 'lucky' causing you to smile from ear to ear because you truly were lucky. "Please tell that boyfriend of yours to not text you and he can wait till you get home," your teacher said whilst handing your phone back.

Michael: You shrugged giggling a bit as your teacher threatened to read your text message to the class. You handed over your phone and he began reading the message aloud. "Babe! I'm FaceTiming Pizza Hut. Guess what, the manager's giving me free pizza because she's a fan! What kind do you want?" Your teacher read out loud making you giggle again as he shook his head. "Wait you can FaceTime Pizza Hut?" One of your classmates asked from behind you. "Apparently so, according to [Y/N]'s boyfriend." Your teacher said handing you your phone back. "Please refrain yourself from telling him what pizza you want until after my class okay." He said as he made his way back to the front of the classroom.

Ashton: You reluctantly gave it to your teacher, who quickly read it out loud. "Babe! I broke another drum set by banging too hard! Might need to be careful later on, winky face." Once they had read that out, everyone laughed a bit, but apparently the teacher didn't catch on because she just handed your phone back without any trouble and you breathed a sigh of relief. "That was a close one," your friend said to you and you replied back with an "I know," and you went home that day to tell Ashton off, but he just laughed.

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