Ashton imagine for IrwinftMcLoughlin

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Today was the day. Today was the day you were finally being able to see your wonderful boyfriend of 3 years, Ashton Irwin. You haven't seen him in about 4 months now, apart from the occasional FaceTime and Skype calls that would happen when you were both free, even though it was for a day.

You were also planning on telling him some really great news, but was going to try and wait till after the concert. It consisted of your tummy and that you had a tiny human being growing inside of you. That's right. You were pregnant with Ashton's baby and you could not be happier.

"You ready Presley?" your mum called out as you was getting ready with your best friend because she offered to help.

"Yep, just coming!" you shouted down to her and you were looking in the mirror at short yourself, standing at 5'. You wearing skinny-ish jeans and a plain vest top, which shows the bump that was slightly evident. You then threw on a baggy jumper to hide it for now.

You walked downstairs with your best friend and to your mum who was waiting by the door. You were soon on you're way to the concert venue.

"How you feeling?" your mum asks and you took a deep breath before answering.

"Nervous," you said and she smiled at you reassuringly through the rear view mirror.

"How are going to tell him?" your best friend asked as the car started to grow awkward in silence.

"I'm not sure. I might just tell him. Or I might just... I really don't know," you told her as ideas tried to take over your brain but it failed.

"When the moment comes, you'll know," she said and you smiled thankfully at her. Your hand went to your stomach and you looked down at it with a smile.

"We're here," your mum said as she stopped the car and we all walked towards the venue. We met up with Ashton's family who were waiting outside for us and we all walked in with each other and because the 5SOS team know who you are, they guided you to where you were told to stand which was at the front but on the other side of the barriers so you weren't with the fans.

You stood there and started a conversation with Lauren and Harry, your best friend joining in whilst your mum spoke to Ashton's.

All of a sudden the lights turned off and the only source of light was the countdown that appeared on the screen and everyone was chanting down and screaming and crying.

As soon as it reached 0, you heard a simple backing track starting to play and you knew this was when the boys were going to start walking on.

As usual, the first person to walk on stage and take his place was the one who you would be telling the big news to in an hour or two. Ashton took his seat behind his drum kit and lifted his arms to the crowd. He was looking around the crowd and as soon as his eyes landed on you, they lit up and his smile grew a 100x bigger.

Abandoning his drum kit quickly, he jogged to the edge of the stage, jumped off and walked over to you. He took your face in his hands and kissed you. Thousands of fans going 'aww' and the occasional hate remarks were thrown but you ignored it. The boy you hadn't seen in months is standing there and kissing you.

"I love you," he whispered in your ear before he ran and jumped back on stage and headed towards his drum kit, sitting down again. He took his drum sticks in hand and held them up, causing everyone to scream. He then started drumming, doing an introductory beat.

After a few minutes of him doing a drum solo, the other three boys came on and started playing and going straight into the first song.

After many, many songs, and hundreds of girls losing their voices later, they had finally finished their last song. However, what shocked you was that Ashton took the mic and the boys were standing by his side.

"Okay! I never do this. Normally we play our last song pretty much head off the stage. However, tonight, it is going to be slightly different," he said and you couldn't help but notice that he kept looking at you and you were still so confused.

"Anyway! As most of you may know, I am dating the wonderful Presley (Y/L/N) and have been for 3 years. I have to say, it has honestly been the best years of my life. It has been extremely hard with all of my travelling and her committing to work and that, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Yes we fought, but we always end up making up, even though I was always the one apologising because, man do women hold a grudge," he said and he winked in your direction.

"But most of all, she is just an overall amazing, sweet, kind, beautiful and most extravagant women I have ever met. She has always supported me and I will always be supporting her as well. Unfortunately, because I have been away on tour, we have only saw each other once in the last 10 months, which was 4 months ago and we only saw each other for a day. However, she is here today and I couldn't be happier," he said and his smile did not falter.

He then signalled something to the boys. Michael and Luke walked off the stage and Calum walked towards you, jumping off the stage and moving the barrier so you were able to follow him. You followed him with caution and when it came to getting up on stage, your best friend quickly ran over and helped you up because if Calum did, he could have possibly hurt the baby if he put the pressure on the wrong part of your body. Once you was up there, Calum led you to the middle of the stage which had a stool sitting there.

When did that get there? You thought. That's probably what Michael and Luke went to get.

"So, basically," Ashton carried on speaking as he came and stood in front of you. "The point is, is that I love you Presley, with all my heart and I honestly can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I also wanted to ask," he said and then stopped as he got down on one knee, "Will you marry me?" he asked and you felt all the tears you were trying to hold in fall and he revealed the most beautiful ring. You couldn't form any words at all, so you just nodded your head frantically. You immediately jumped up and wrapped your arms around him. You heard he crowd of fans, that were previously dead quiet, roared with cheers and screams.

"I have something to tell you too," you whispered in his ear, which resulted for him to pull back and look at you. "I'm pregnant," you told him and his grin tripled in size, if that was even possible. He placed a hand on your stomach and then kneeled down in front of you, and placed both hands on your stomach. He then kissed it and that was when everything must have clicked for everyone else in the room. The boys ran over to you and hugged you and congratulated you. You heard the rest of the fans screaming so loudly and you knew for a fact that pictures and videos of this moment was going to be all over the internet. However, you didn't care. You were marrying the love and light of your life and was also having his baby.

**I hope you like it!!!! I thought I would add that you were pregnant because it just fit so perfectly into the storyline and I thought it would be good. I know you didn't ask for that part, but I still hope you like it!**

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