#36 He Finds Out You Self Harm

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Luke: He sat beside you on the bed staring down hardly at the knife placed in front of him. He discretely tried to sniffle. "How long?" he breathed rubbing at his eyes. You stared down at your thighs, jaws clenched trying hard to ignore the question he's been asking for a few minutes now. "Please tell me how long, (Y/N)?" he said choking on a sob. "A few years," you mumbled letting your eyes travel over the newly bandaged cuts on your thighs. You heard him let out a whimper beside you as his head fell into his hands. You sat there and listened to him sobbing beside you, not able to look over at him. "You won't stop...will you?" he asked his voice cracking slightly as he scooted closer to you the bed. You let your eyes shut, shaking your head no...you couldn't just stop, it's harder than that. "B-but even if you know h-how badly it hurts me to know you do it, you still won't stop?" he stuttered over his words as his hand rubbed softly over your bandaged leg. You shook your head once again, opening your eyes and staring down at his hand. "I'm sorry." You said quietly continuing to watch his hand rub over your thigh soothingly. Even though the cuts haven't hurt in a few years now. His hand your leg felt comforting. You felt bad though because the love of your life was hurting for something you were doing. But you couldn't stop...

Calum: After following you into the dressing room backstage, he stood there with tears in his eyes as he saw you crying and looking down at your wrist. You were enjoying listening to your boyfriend perform, but then a fan beside you saw your wrist, where your scars were and then she started shouting it out to everyone. Where you were in front row, Calum heard what was being shouted and he looked towards you, but you ended up running backstage. "Why are you doing this?" He asked softly walking over to stand next to you in the small dressing room. "Is it because of the fans?" he choked out staring at you intently grabbing a hold of your hand, staring down at the scars as tears escaped his eyes. "Talk to me... tell me why you're doing this to yourself," he said sadly. "(Y/N) please talk to me... I need to know. Ii want to be able to help you," he pleaded but you stayed silent. You'd been caught. You hid it really well... but not well enough if the fans found out. "Yes, it's the fans. The messages they send me and that, I just couldn't take it anymore. Cal, I am so sorry," you said, but just burst into more tears. "There is no need to be sorry. I will help you through this. I am here for you (Y/N) and I always will be," he told you and kissed your scarred wrist.

Michael: Grabbing a hold of your wrists he held a rag over it, applying as much pressure as he could. His tears dropping down onto your arm as he sobbed silently. He'd found you on the bathroom floor with a blank expression upon your face as you watched the blood trickled down your wrist. "How did I not know?" he whispered to himself. "How did I not see that my baby girl was so broken inside?" "I'm fine..." you murmured back to him making his eyes rise upon your face. "You're not fine... not if you do this. You're anything but fine baby." He said sniffling. You swallowed the lump in your throat and stared back into his eyes. You've never seen them so sad before, not until now that is. "Never again," he said in an undertone. "You'll never do this again... not while I'm around," you nodded your head curtly. "Promise me sweetheart, if you feel the urge to do it you'll come to me. You come to me and I can help you," he said sadly choking on his tears. "I can help you," he said softly letting his gaze fall for your eyes back down onto where his hands were applying pressure.

Ashton: He ran a finger of the scars on your wrist, occasionally glancing back up into your eyes. "These are old right?" he asked softly bringing your wrist closer to his face to get a better look. You bit down on the insides of your cheeks, not answering the question. "(Y/N) tell me these are old," he said his voice slightly cracking. You gently pulled your wrist out of his gasp letting it fall down to your side. "(Y/N), I know what it's like to go through this. You have to let me help you. I will always be here to look after you," he said, tears escaping his eyes. "I'm not hurting anyone..." you silently mumbled. "You're hurting me (Y/N) because I know how bad this can get. I love you and I will help you through this. I promise you," he said, his eyes landing on yours once more, filled with tears. "You're hurting me...stop...just stop," he breathed.

**heres another one!!! I am going to be posting another one later but I won't be on much for the next two weeks because I am on holiday. I will try and post when I can but please be patient. Love you all. I never thought this book would get so many reads and so many votes!! Love you, my amazing, beautiful readers!!!**

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