#61 You're Study Partners

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Luke: “Do you get it?” he asked with a raised brow and you nodded slowly, only making a smile form on his lips, “You don’t,” he chuckled, sending his fingers through his hair quickly. “Okay, where did I lose you at?” he asked with the smile still on his lips. “Um… the beginning,” you said sheepishly, a hint of pink crept up your neck and he let out another chuckle. “Seriously babe? You really didn’t get any of it,” he shook his head flipping the pages of the textbook to the beginning of the chapter. “Alright then… let’s try this again and this time please stop me if it gets confusing (Y/N)… don’t let me make it all the way to the end,” he glanced up at you over the top of his glasses as you nodded your head. “It just doesn’t make any sense to me,” you admitted resting your head in your hands and a sigh made it past your lips. He leaned in a quickly pressed his lips to yours. “I know its confusing (Y/N) but if you get the gist of it then it’ll make a bit of sense,” he shrugged before sitting back and reading the first part of the chapter aloud.

Calum: With a groan falling from his lips, he flopped down onto the chair next to you. “Let’s get this over with,” he mumbled, letting his eyes rake over the scattered English books on the table. He clearly didn’t want to be in the library on a Saturday, but it wasn’t like he had much of a choice. He needs to pass his English exam… well, the one he had to retake, or else he wasn’t going to be able to play at the next game. “Alright… well which book do you want to discuss first?” you asked nibbling at your bottom lip and he shrugged his shoulders. “Uh… did you read any of ‘em?” you questioned with furrowed brows, watching as his shoulders slumped a bit and he looked up at you at sheepishly. “I didn’t have any time to… I mean I started one of them,” he mumbled running his finger over the cover of the book and you shook your head a subtly. “We’re gonna be in here for quite some time Cal,” you spoke under your breath picking up the first book on the list. “But you’ll pass on Monday… I promise,” you shot him a slanted smile.

Michael: He read the question off the flashcard before peering up at you with a quirked brow waiting for you give him an answer. “C’mon (Y/N), you know this,” he shot you a small smile after a groan made it past your lips. “We spent a few hours going through it, you know it babe,” he encouraged, rubbing your knee soothingly. “I just can’t think anymore,” you frowned, bringing your hands up to your face and rubbed at your eyes. “How about we start with the anatomy of the brain? That sound alright?” he questioned and you nodded letting your hands fall from your face. “Okay… so ‘Axons,’” he read off the card peering up at you waiting for you to respond, but all you did was shake your head. “I don’t know… I don’t know,” you mumbled with a sigh. “It’s alright babe… let’s get something to eat and then come back to this. I think you just need a quick break or something, because I know that you know this stuff.”

 Ashton: “Seriously? You’re not even paying attention.” You sighed glancing up from your textbook up at him, noticing his eyes were still glued to the television. “I am,” he muttered popping a handful of popcorn into his mouth staring intently at the movie on the screen only causing another sigh to fall from your lips as you pushed the textbook from your lap. “No Ash… to this,” you grumbled motioning to the book in between the two of you. “You do know that this is going to be on exam right? It’s tomorrow Ashton. Tomorrow,” you shoved at his shoulder making the popcorn in his hand fall onto his lap. “We’ve been studying all weekend (Y/N),” he peered, dusting the popcorn from his lap. “Don’t you think we need at least one break?” he asked with a quirked brow as he went to push the textbook onto the floor, inching closer to you to drape his arm over your shoulder. “Watch the movie with me okay and if you still feel that we need to study some more we can,” he reasoned pressing his lips to your cheek softly. “Says the one who thought tadpoles were baby turtles,” you mumbled with a smirk and you heard Ashton groan in annoyance at you bringing it up.

**Okay guys! For those who wanted to write the imagine, here is what I was thinking. The imagine is where any one of the guys is the shy guy at school and there is a girl known for being friendly and he has a crush on her. But, he gets bullied for doing so. And somehow they end up together (However you want). Or something along those lines? It can include dirtiness as well if want, I do not mind. DM them to me and I will post them on here and give you full credit it for them. Have fun!**

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