#89 Luke Imagine for _Swsband_6_3_16_

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This is a dirty Luke imagine request from _swsband_6_3_16_

Luke had been on tour for about 6 months now and you were getting more and more restless with each day that passes. You have skyped, called and texted each other every chance he got and a few times, it would get a bit to heated because of how much you two were craving to be near each other. You were missing him terribly and you weren't too sure how long you would have been able to continue going for. Apparently, it was the same with Luke as well because you ended up getting a call from Calum, saying that him, Michael and Ashton were arranging for you to fly out because they were sick of him complaining about him missing you and him being horny all of the time.

You had just got off of the plane and were walking out to collect your case. Once that was collected, you walked out to where you were meeting Ashton because he was picking you up. When you found him, he took your case and carried it to the car.

"So Luke doesn't know I'm here?" you ask Ashton as he started driving.

"Nope, we thought it would be a good surprise for him," Ashton said with a smile and you couldn't help but smile yourself.

You were soon pulling into a hotel parking lot and you both jumped out, Ashton getting your suitcase again.

"We'll go in the elevator because we are on the fifth floor," Ashton explained and that is what you did.

You stopped outside a door and you figured this was their room. Ashton pulled out his key card and opened the door. You walked in and saw the back of the boys as they play a video game, shouting at each other. You could see the lock of blonde hair that you loved facing away from you and you couldn't help but smile.

"Luke," Ashton said as he stood next you and placed the suitcase down as quietly as possible.

"Yeah?" Luke said, not turning away from the game in front of them and he sits on the edge of his seat.

"Hi," you said and he instantly whipped round and it must have taken him a bit of time to register who you were because he was just staring at you. However, a giant smile was placed on his face and he jumped up and ran towards you, cupped your cheek and planted a giant kiss on your lips. This is where you belonged. You couldn't help but smile during the kiss at the feeling of finally being able to do this after 6 months.

Luke's hands glided down glided down your body and grabbed your hips, pulling you flush against him.

"I think we should leave them two along. I don't want to be in the room when this happens," Michael said and you laughed in your head, but was too into the kiss to actually reply to him. You soon heard the door close and you and Luke pulled back from each other.

"I am so happy they left because there is so much we need to catch up on," Luke whispered lowly in your ear and you felt the chills run down your spine.

"Well, you have me," you said back and you saw the famous smirk grow on his face. His lips were back on yours, hard and sloppy. You couldn't help but release a moan when his hands travelled to your bum and gave it a squeeze.

"God I've missed you," he groaned as you felt him already getting hard down there, feeling it press the inside of your thigh.

Your hands were running through his hair, tugging at the ends which only resulted into another groan emitting from his mouth. He tugged on the bottom of your top that you were wearing and you lifted up your arms. You pulled away from the kiss and Luke pulled your top off, and you saw his eyes dart down to wear your bra was and he bit his lip.

Soon after that, clothes were being thrown everywhere and so were the kisses. You were laying down on the bed with Luke hovering over you, his fully erect member poking you in the stomach. Luke gave you one last long kiss on the lips before he started speaking to you.

"Ready princess?" he asked and at that moment, staring into his eyes, you could see all of the love and admiration pouring out of them in his bright blue eyes.

To answer him, you just kissed him and pulled him closer to him, running your hands through his blonde hair.

You then felt him beginning to enter you, pushing his length in little bit at a time and because it had been a while since you last did it, you were a bit tight.

"God, you've gotten tight again. That will be easily changed soon," he groaned as he was fully inside of you.

Soon, the thrusts were speeding up and moans were filling the room, both of you expressing how much you had both missed each other. You felt yourself building up closer to you high and Luke noticed this and started pounding faster and harder into you.

"Fuck Leigh!" Luke groaned out load the same time as you screamed "Luke!" as you both reached your highs, him collapsing on top of you as his head rested on your chest.

"You don't know how much I have missed you these passed 6 months, Leigh," Luke spoke after a while of silence.

"I think I have an idea. The boys were getting fed up with you complaining every second of every day," you teased with a slight laugh.

You saw Luke's cheeks flush a bit and he kissed you to try and distract you and it worked.

"Well, how long are you here for?" he asked and a smile grew on your face.

"For the rest of the tour Lukey," you told him and his adorable smile stretched from ear to ear.

"Sex every night?" Luke question and you couldn't help but smirk.

"You betcha," you winked and soon round 2 was initiated.

A/N: Hi! I really hope you liked this! I haven't written one of these in a long while so I am sorry if it isn't that great.

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