Imagine: Happy Birthday!

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Well, we all know today is Ashton's 20th birthday!!!! So I thought I would do an imagine in dedication to this day! Hope you like it!!!!

Today was your best friend’s birthday and he was turning 20!!! You were so happy! You weren't originally going to be able to spend today with him because he was still on tour and you weren't able to fly out or anything. However, the boys had called you up about a week before and asked if you would be able to fly over and surprise him because they were throwing a surprise party for the birthday lad. Obviously you said you could go and they said they will pay for your ticket and that you were leaving Monday morning, so you’re instantly got packing.

At the moment, you were waiting for your flight to be called and to say it was boarding and that, so you made your way onto the plane and took your seat. Your stomach erupting with butterflies, not just to do with nervousness but excitement as well. You were seeing your best friend after a few months of being separated and plus he was your crush and has been for a long time, but no one knows, a part from your mum, but that was only because she guessed one day.

After you landed, you found the car that the boys had hired to take you and you got in, and you were getting more and more nervous as the drive went on, but you couldn't help but smile the whole way. You were also nervous that he wouldn't like his present either, but you were keeping your hopes up.

After about an hour and a half of driving, you pulled up outside a big hotel, you got out, got your bags and thanked the driver. You texted Calum saying you were outside and soon enough the 3 boys had come down and greeted you with a big group hug.

"Alright, come on up. Everyone else is here, but Ashton isn't yet. The 1D boys were taking him back but should be back any minute," Luke said and you smiled and nodded.

Calum and Luke took your bags and you spoke to Michael as you walked up the stairs. When you got inside the room, everyone was standing around chatting away, you spotted Ashton's family and quickly walked over to them and gave each a hug. You were quite close with the family and have met the a few times so it was alright. 

"Ashton's going to be so happy to see you!" you said with a huge smile on your face.

"Not as happy as he will be when he sees you!" Lauren shouts and you couldn't help but blush. 

"He's on his way up!" Luke, Michael and Calum shout over the noise of us talking.

"Quick, hide behind us," Anne Marie said to you and you was then shielded by the family as soon as Ashton walked through the door and everyone shouted surprise to him. 

He went straight up to his mum and hugged her and then the rest of his face. 

"Ashton, there's someone else her to see you," Harry said and then they all parted so you were in plain sight and Ashton's smile got bigger, if that was even possible.

He tackled you into a hug and lifted you up off of the ground whilst saying, "I've missed you so much!" 

"I've missed you so much as well!" you said back. 


When the party started to end around midnight, everyone started to leave and you stayed with Ashton. He loved the present you had got him as well, and he hasn't actually left your side the whole time.

"(Y/N), thank you for flying out, you don't know how happy I am because of this," Ashton said to you and you couldn't help but blush.

All of a sudden you feel soft lips press against yours and you don't pull back, you kiss him back. Your body going numb but your heart is fluttering and the butterflies in your stomach going crazy.

"I love you (Y/N), and I always have," Ashton confessed and you couldn't help but smile.

"I love you too Ashton and I always have," you said back to him.

“Will you do me the honour of becoming my girlfriend?” he asks you and you simple nod your head yes with a smile and then says, “This has been the best birthday ever.”


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