#32 He Gives You A Love Bite And The Others See It

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Luke: “Luke did that?” Michael asked as you ran your hand over your neck. “I would have never thought he’d leave so many,” Calum mumbled as the other boys looked on. Luke sat on the couch, his cheeks reddened as the boys looked back at him. “And you’re always telling us not to do these things…look at her neck mate,” Ashton said shaking his head at the both of us. Ashton quickly took out his phone, snapping a picture of your neck and hurriedly walking away. “Wait Ash…don’t post that,” you said chasing after him, your eyes landing on Luke as you made your way to Ashton. “Sorry,” he mouthed, his cheeks still slightly red.

Calum: You pulled your shirt over your head, tossing it aside and standing in your bathing suit. “Come on, hurry up and get in the water babe,” Calum called out wiping the water off his face as he played around with the boys. “What’s on your neck?” Luke asked as he stood behind you, causing you to jump a little. You turned around, staring at him shrugging your shoulders as he brought his face lower to get a better look. “Oi lads, Calum here gave our innocent [Y/N] a love bite,” he called out a smile breaking out upon his face as the other boys cheered from the pool. “She’s not innocent mates,” Calum said plainly whilst winking at you as Luke looked over at you with a raised brow. “Don’t listen to him…I'm the one with the love bite,” you said rubbing over your neck, not knowing where it was exactly.

Michael: “Let’s see if her neck looks as bad as his.” Ashton whispered over your sleeping figure. The bed sunk in as he and Calum sat down examining your neck. “Jesus!” Calum said loudly as he discovered all of the love bites covering your neck. You shot up, scared from his loud outburst and looked around. “What the hell are you two doing?” you asked, rubbing your eyes. “You two are animals,” Ashton said with a smirk on his lips as he looked between you and Michael, who was still asleep. “Your necks are covered.” Calum said shaking his head at the two of you and you felt the blush creeping to your face. “Don’t judge me…” you mumbled as you narrowed your eyes at the both of them causing them to let out a chuckle. “Oh we aren’t judging…we just want to know… do you spend all night just sucking on each other’s necks or what?” Ashton said smirking at you still.

Ashton: “Did you burn yourself?” Michael asked as he motioned to your neck and you shook your head a smile on your lips. “Oh that’s not a burn. This is,” you pointed to a spot on the other side of your neck, showing him the curling iron burn you had got earlier today. “So our Ashton is the cause of that little bruise?” he asked with raised brows. “It doesn’t look that bad does it?” you asked taking your lower lip between your teeth and he smiled down at you. “It’s rather big, but just go with it being a burn when someone asks,” he said shrugging. He let out a chuckle as he took off away from you toward Ashton as you watched him smack him on the back a few times. “Good job mate…don’t look so confused. I'm talking about that love bite…its massive mate,” he said laughing.

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