#58 Angry Sex

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Luke: “You want me to yell or something,” he shook his head taking a step toward you. “You want some kind of reaction from me [Y/N]? Well you’re not going to get one,” he leaned forward so he was in your face. You rolled your eyes at him before moving away from him, “Whatever Luke.” He followed after you nudging you a bit so you stumbled, catching yourself on to the wall and turning around to face him with narrowed eyes. He pressed his lips to yours in a lustful kiss with his hands on your waist. “Why does that make you so angry?” he whispered against your lips before letting his lips trail down your neck nipping at it a little. “Why does me not arguing back make you mad baby girl?” he asked looking up at you through his lashes. Quickly his hands were on your thighs and he picked you up pressing your back against wall a bit roughly and a gasp made its way through your parted lips. “Want a reaction from me [Y/N]?” he asked biting down on your neck squeezing your thighs tightly. "Well, here it is," he stated, his eyes black with lust.

Calum: “I hate you…” you moaned against his lips as your hands slid up his back until they were at the ends of his hair and you tugged on it roughly. He pushed your hips down into the mattress with his fingers digging into your hipbones, surely to leave finger shaped bruises behind. Small noises spilled from his lips into yours as he pressed into your harder, “Still,” he pulled his lips from yours with a small chuckle slipping past but it soon faded into a hiss as you tugged roughly at his hair once more. “Fuck…” he said through clenched teeth. He moved his hips faster, harder forcing throaty moans from your parted lips while his grip tightened around your hips. “I-I” you didn't even finish your sentence because you were cut off by a moan as you felt yourself reaching your high. You arched your body up against his as his lips pressed against yours roughly.

Michael: “I'm sorry. I didn’t-“ he cut you off by pressing his lips to yours making your teeth clank as he backed you up against the door. “Stop apologizing… it's not gonna make things better,” he spoke into your mouth before taking your lip between his teeth and biting down on it causing a moan to make its way from the back of your throat. Your nails scratching along his back as his lips made their way down your neck sucking bruises into your skin. He pushed your shorts down, leaving it so you could kick them aside before lifting you up and wrapping your legs around his waist. Still nipping and sucking at your skin he pushed your underwear to the side before sliding into you and another moan slipped past your lips. “I'm sorry…” you whimpered letting your forehead rest on his shoulder as he pushed into you quickly, releasing low growls. His fingers tangled into your hair, tugging hard enough to remove your face from being buried into his shoulder. “Shut up.”

Ashton: He grabbed a hold of your elbow stopping you from walking out of the room, “You try to leave every time something doesn’t go the way you want it to,” he said with a dry chuckle as he pulled you back against his chest. “Stop acting like a child,” he whispered into your ear as you turned around to face him with narrowed eyes. “Fuck you,” you pushed at his chest and he grabbed a hold of your hands before pressing his lips to yours. Your nails dug into the backs of his hands as he led you toward the bed and dropped down on it with you on top of him. His hands escaped the death grip and found their way to your hips with his fingers slipping underneath the ends of your shirt. “Stop trying to leave all the time,” he spoke against your lips tightening his hands around you as you bit down on his lip hard, pushing his shirt up a bit and scraping your nails against his skin.

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