#65 New Years Kiss

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Luke: You were round your best friend, Luke's house with his family to celebrate the New Year, and all of you were drinking. It's the New Year, it's the time that you are supposed to be drinking and that with your friends. Jack and Ben were the most wasted out of all of you. You went to get another drink and Luke came over to you. "Heyy, (Y/N)?" he asked, to get your attention, which he did. "Since its New Year's Eve and my mum has my dad to kiss and my brothers have their girlfriends and wives to kiss... I was wondering if you wanted to... you know..." he said, his nervous stutters and pink cheeks getting the better of him. You giggled at his nervousness and put a hand on your shoulder to calm him down, he looked at you still waiting for an answer. "Come on! 30 seconds!" Liz shouted and we all went into the living room and stood around the TV. "5...4...3...2...1!" Luke was standing the others a bit disappointed and you did what you have always wanted to do. You pulled Luke by the color and pulled him into a kiss. You could tell he was shocked at first but he finally relaxed into the kiss and you both felt sparks in the kiss. New Year, different level of friendship.

Calum: You were never one to make a big deal out of the whole celebration side of the New Year's stuff and Calum wanted to go to a club to celebrate with his friends but you didn't want to, so you said he could go without you and have fun. He wasn't sure whether to go without you or to stay with you, but you wouldn't let him stay at home, so he ended up going. You were staying up and you were checking on your Facebook just randomly when you see it's quarter to midnight and you were wondering what Cal was doing. To be honest, you had to admit you were a little worried about letting him out because he might go a kiss another girl at midnight. Yes, you weren't bothered by the traditions that everyone does, but you didn't want your boyfriend to go and kiss someone else. You turned to the news and saw that they were doing the countdown. It was now at 30 seconds and you decided to count along with them. "5...4...3...2..." you counted down. "1" you and another voice say. You didn't get a chance to see who it was because all of a sudden lips were on yours and you were kissing back. You could easily tell it was Calum though from the tingles and the fact you're stomach was full of butterflies. "Happy New Year baby," he mumbled and what a way to start the year off.

Michael: You were at a party that your best friend was hosting and you knew she was going to try and set you up with someone so you were worried about going really because you were worried about who she would set you up with, but apparently she has already arranged it and apparently you were going to be really happy with her choice. You started walking around and talking to other people, mainly boys because you were trying to see which one she means you would be happy with. It got to like the 10th boy and you were giving up and thinking that it's not worth trying. You went to turn around, but you completely bumped into someone, luckily they didn't have a drink because it would have been all over you in an instant. "Oh my god! I am so sorry!" you shouted over the music to him. "It's alright babe," he said and you instantly recognised the accent and then you saw that it was the Australian boy himself. In the flesh! "What's your name?" he asked you, snapping you out of your little daydream moment. "(Y/N). It's Michael, right?" you asked, playing it cool. "Yes it is, and might I say, lovely name (Y/N)," he said, whilst winking at you. You were completely freaking out on the inside but was acting cool on the outside and you do not have a clue how you were doing it. You absolutely loved Michael and he has saved your life before because he gives you hope, even though you had never seen him before or anything. "Okay! If you would like to grab your partner! It is almost midnight!" you heard your best friend shout. You turned back to Michael but found he was already gone. You sighed in disappointment and went and found your best friend. "Ah! There you are! Come on!" she shouted and dragged you over to one corner of the room. (Y/N), this is the boy I set you up with," she said and the boy in front of you turned around to face you and sure enough, it was Michael! You best friend left and people were already counting down. "So we meet again," Michael said, winking at you like earlier, he grabbed your hips and pulled you closer. His breathe on your lips, teasing you. "5...4...3...2...1!" As soon as we shouted one, Michael put his lips on yours and it was absolutely amazing. When you went to pull away, Michael pulled you closer and kissed you harder. What a brilliant start to the New Year!

Ashton: You were in New York with your boyfriend, Ashton. Yes, the Ashton Irwin. The reason you were in New York was because you had always wanted to be in New York for the New Years and watch the ball drop and do the massive celebration for it there, so Ashton thought it was be a good idea to treat you to a trip there. You did try and tell him he didn't have to, but he wasn't listening to any of it and ignored you and well... here you are. It came to about 10 o'clock and you and Ashton dressed up nice and warm and walked down to Times Square to get ready to watch the ball drop and the fireworks and that. As you were walking down, you saw that it was already crowded and you felt Ashton take your hand so you wouldn't get separated. You finally found a good spot to watch it from so you stopped and Ash took you in his arms to warm you up a bit. Quite a few fans had spotted Ashton but instead of coming up and squealing in his face like usual they just stood back and took photos instead. You caught the eye contact of one of the girls and you smiled at her and she smiled back, also waving at you. You waved back and Ashton saw and looked over to the girl and also waved making the girl wonder what the hell just happened. You and Ash just laughed and before you knew it, the ball was being dropped and everyone was counting down, including you and Ashton. It got to 5 seconds and Ashton brought you face to face with him and when it got to 1, he smashed his lips onto yours and you couldn't help but smile through it and neither could he. Later that day, you saw pictures of you and Ashton sharing your kiss all over the internet and you and Ashton found the girl you waved at on twitter and you both followed her. What a great start to the year.

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