#10 Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran

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Settle down with me, Cover me up, Cuddle me in, Lie down with me, and hold me in your arms

You were round Luke's house one day and he suggested you watch a movie just you two and enjoy the time of being alone, because that was always tricky nowadays. You were just sitting next to Luke normally until he put his arm around your shoulder and he whispered, "Lay down with me." So you shifter in your spot and then you were lying down and wrapped in his arms and you were cuddled up to him. 

Calum: (His POV)

I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet
And with this feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now

 I was once again at the coffee shop. The same coffee shop I have been coming to for the past few weeks. Everyone just assumes that it's because this a good place, but they are wrong. The first day I came here was also the first time I saw her. I saw her sparking eyes as they looked at a customer, taking their order. As soon as her eyes were clear to me that was it. I was in love. 

Michael: (His POV)

Yeah I've been feeling everything
from hate to love
from love to lust
from lust to truth

 I can't believe this one girl is doing all of this to me. I only met her the other day and now I am feeling all these emotions towards her that I didn't know you feel all at the same time. I feel like I hate her. Like I love her. Like I have so much lust to have her now. Like I want to know the truth about everything. I have never been this confused.


My hearts against your chest, your lips pressed to my neck

 You were lying in bed with Ashton and he had pulled you on top of him so you were literally lying on his chest. Yours against his. Your hearts beating against each other’s in the silence of the room that surrounded you two. Your head was nuzzled into his neck just breathing his addicting scent, but his lips were pressed against your neck, leaving sweet kisses, but also biting down every now and again. That was the perfect moment for both of you.

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