#78 You're With One Boy, But You Kiss Another

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Luke: You were hanging out at the flat you shared with Luke alone, being as bored as ever. Luke had gone to have a few days out with his friends for a few days. He did ask if you wanted to go as well, but you couldn't because you had to work. He had only been gone half a day and you felt like you were going to die of boredom. You had already cleaned your flat top to bottom, you had watched a movie and even painted your nails. You had no idea of what else to do. So, when you got a text from Michael asking if he could drop over some stuff Luke had left at his flat, you gladly said yes. He stopped by and dropped off some pants and a gym bag that Luke had left. He grabbed a bag of Doritos from your cupboard and turned to leave. "Uh Michael," you said, stopping him in his tracks, "Want to stay for dinner?" you ask. Michael stood in the doorway, contemplating over your offer. "What are you making?" he asked. "I honestly don't care, I'm just bored of sitting here alone," you say, getting up to walk over to the fridge. You bent over to look in your freezer and you felt Michael's eyes on you. Ignoring it, you found some chicken. "How about chicken parmesan?" you ask, waving the chicken in front of him. "Sounds great," he says and grabs a seat at the breakfast bar. You cook the chicken and make brownies for desert. You two eat together and chat until it's late. You look at the clock and see that it's 11:50pm. "Michael, it's so late. I should be getting to bed," you say, standing from your seat to walk him to the door. When you get there, Michael gives you a hug. As you pull away, he lingers in front of you before you notice he starts to lean in and gives you a deep kiss. You kiss him back, even though you know it's wrong. "See you later, Y/N" he smiles as he walks out the door.

Calum: You and Calum were in a rough patch in your relationship at the moment. You had been together for about a year and ten months, and he hadn't even mentioned that he wanted you to move in with him. You were at the point where, if he wasn't ready to really commit, you wanted to leave. You guys planned to meet for dinner that evening and while you were getting ready, you heard a knock on the door. Assuming it was Calum, you went and answered it in your towel. "Oh, shit sorry Luke," you say when you see him standing in your doorway. "Don't be," he smiled cheekily, a smirk on his face. You invited him in and he stood in the doorway. "Did you want something or did you just want to visit or what?" you asked Luke, who hadn't said anything. "Calum borrowed my headphones at the gym last week and I forgot to get them back. He said he left them here and I'm on my way to the gym. Didn't you get my text?" he informed you. You had been in the shower and hadn't checked your phone since you've gotten out. "No, I guess not. But they're in my room. Come, I'll grab them," you said, walking towards the bedroom as he followed. You swung the door open and walked over to the bedside table. You forgot you had left the sexy lingerie you had planned on wearing for Calum out on the bed along with your dress. Luke saw them and couldn't resist you anymore. He walked over to you and spun you around. He kissed you passionately, rubbing his hand in your wet hair. You felt a spark that had been missing between you and Calum for the last month. You kissed back and felt your eyes water. Just as Luke was about to remove your towel, you heard Calum walk in the door. "Babe, I'm here!" he calls as you push Luke into your walk in closet and shut the door. You walk out of your room to greet him, get ready and leave. At the restaurant, you got a text from Luke thanking you for the headphones and the sugar you gave him. Blushing, you turned your phone off.

Michael: You and Michael were out having a drink with a few of his friends. You were both pretty drunk, and you were dancing in the middle of the floor with one of his friends. You were just twirling around, not even really paying attention to his friend, but you looked up and saw a furious Michael look down at you. You made your way up the stairs and went to give him a kiss, but he pushed you away. "I don't even want to see you right now, Y/N," says and turns away from you. Devastated, you grabbed your coat and made your way out to the front. You grabbed your phone and tried to call one of your friends, who you had met through one of the 5SOS boys. You hit green and waited for her to pick up. Instead, you were greeted by a groggy man's voice, "Y/N? Hello?" you immediately recognized it was Ashton. "Ash, I'm at the place Michael and I were meeting his friends. Can you come pick me up?" "Sure, I'll be there soon," he said without questioning and hung up. You knew Ashton lived close, and in what seemed like no at all time he was walking around the corner. He saw you and jogged over to you. "Y/N aren't you freezing?" he asks, giving you his sweater. He took you by the hand and walked you back to his flat. When you got there, you explained what happened through your tears. "What is wrong with Michael?" Ashton asked himself, making you a cup of tea. "I just don't get it. I try to be the best girlfriend I can. I am just never good enough," you say through the tears. Ashton walks over to you, handing you the tea and sitting beside you. "Y/N, you're a great girlfriend and Michael is lucky to have you and he will realize one day what a great girl you are," he said, rubbing your leg sympathetically and wiping away the tears that were running down and ruining your makeup. You lunged forward and pressed your lips to his. Ashton, surprisingly, kissed back with no hesitation. You were on top of him, kissing him passionately. You pulled off his shirt before he pushed you off. "Y/N, I can't do this. You're drunk." "I'm fine," you assure him, pushing your lips against his again. He stands up and pulls you up with him, taking you to his room. He lays you down and goes into the bathroom. You blink and its morning. You roll over to see a note. 'Y/N, we didn't do anything and I slept on the couch. I texted Michael and told him you were here and I was taking care of you. He wants to pick you up and talk, so please text him in the morning. I went out, I think it's for the best if we never mention what happened last night, regardless of how we feel about it. Sorry. – Ashton.' You roll over and see your bag from last night. You open it and find four apology texts from your boyfriend, and you tell him you're ready to talk.

Ashton: Ashton was out at an interview with Luke and you were at home cleaning. You heard a knock at the door, and you looked through the peephole. It was Calum. You opened the door and gave him a huge hug. Since dating Ashton, Calum had become your best friend. "You okay, Y/N?" he asks, walking in, looking you up and down. All you had on was short shorts and a tank top. "I'm good, how are you?" you ask, walking towards the couch. "Great" he says slowly, sitting down beside you, "Ashton still at that interview?" he asked. "I think it's over by now. Him and Luke went shopping," you say, laying back on the arm of the couch. "Do you mind?" you ask, hovering your feet over Calum's legs. "No, not at all. Go ahead," he smiles, grabbing the remote. He put on the football match and you both sit and watch. After a few minutes of silence, he turns his head to you. "I could get used to this, you know," he says quietly, like he wasn't sure if he wanted to. "Used to. What?" you asked confused. "This. Us. Spending afternoons together like this. As a couple, not just as friends," he said and you could see the seriousness on his face. You didn't know what to say, but you didn't really get a chance to speak. Calum crawled on top of you and kissed you passionately, running his fingers through your hair. It felt wrong but right at the same time. You kissed him back, and you felt the guilt in your throat. You hear a car pull in the drive way, and Ashton shout bye to Luke. Calum jumps off of you and sits back on the edge of the couch. You smooth out your hair and he runs his hands through his hair. As the doorknob turns, Calum shoots you a wink and you blush.

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