Calum Imagine - Family Dinner

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**Requested by razmin_xox Hope you like it! **

You have been worrying about this day for the whole week, since Calum told you about it. The band was going to be having a dinner together. That's not what's worrying you. It's the fact that all of their families are going to be there. Including Calum's. You haven't met them before, so you were worried on the outcome of it all. Technically, you didn't have 1 family to impress, you had 4! 

"Vanessa! Are you ready?" you heard Calum's voice shout from downstairs. You didn't want to seem nervous around him because this was his time and he really wanted your support and he really wants to introduce you to his family. 

You walked downstairs and saw Calum on his face, when he looked up and saw you, his face instantly broke into a smile.

"Hello beautiful," he said as he walked over and gave you quick peck on the lips. "Ready?" he asked once again and you nodded yes to him. 

He grabbed his house keys and you both headed out the door. Once he had locked it, you began walking to the restaurant hand in hand. It was only about a 10 minute walk.

Calum was talking about something random and you wasn't really listening because you were too deep in thought to pay attention.

When you turned a corner and saw that the restaurant was straight ahead, that was the moment you started to panic. As you got closer and closer, the panic increased.

You got to the door of the restaurant and Calum headed in first, but you stayed back outside the door. You couldn't do this. You were getting too nervous and worried and you stood with your back against the wall, taking a deep breathe.

"Vanessa? What's wrong?" you heard Calum's voice ask you and you lifted your head to look at him but quickly averted your gaze away from him. "Hey," he softly spoke, lifting your chin towards him with his thumb and forefinger, making you look into his eyes. "What's the matter?" he asked you again.

"I'm just worried," you told him and he gave you a confused look. "I am worried that I will go in there and mess up and none of them will like me, especially your family. I feel like they are going to feel as if I am not right for you. I guess I am just scared of what will happened," you explained to him and he let out a light chuckle. "How can you find this funny?" 

"I find it funny how you think you will mess up. You won't. Plus, they will all love you. They know everything about from me and the boys talking about how amazing you are. My family are getting fed up me talking about you, they just really want to meet you. In my mums words she 'wants to meet the girl who has my boy all happy and in love. I love you, Vanessa and they will too," he confessed to you and you couldn't help but blush.

"I love you too," you said to him and he placed his lips on yours, pulling away with a smile.

"You ready to go in now?" he asked you and you nodded yes. He grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers together and you walked over to the table.

The whole night you kept thinking why the hell were you nervous? You all had an amazing time and Calum's family were really nice, as were all the families. Let's just, Calum's mum isn't letting you go anytime soon, and neither was Calum.

** Hope you like it! Thank you for 21K reads and nearly 500 votes!!!! You do not know how much this means to me!!!!**

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