#24 Break-Up Part 2

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**Here's part 2 to Break-Up! It's longer than I thought it would be haha. Hope you like it!**

Luke: It had been a few weeks since that day Luke had broken up with you and you haven't stopped crying. Even though you had only been dating for about half a year, you started to think that maybe he was the one but apparently not. You tried to stay in contact with the other boys but it is starting to get so hard because when you talk to them, you remember Luke and they may occasionally bring up his name but they will never say how he is. You were sitting in the on the couch one day watching a re-run of your favourite shows when you heard a knock at the door. You got you and went to answer it, not caring how you looked. You opened the door to see Michael, Calum and Ashton standing there and they instantly pushed through and went and sat down on the couch. "Hello to you too," you mumbled to them as you joined them in the living room. "(Y/N), we can do this anymore, we need to tell you something," Ashton told you and you could see the concern on their faces. "When Luke broke up with you, it wasn't his fault. He didn't want to," Michael told you. "Then why did he?" you asked, not understanding what was going on one bit. "The reason he broke up with you, wasn't him, it wasn't you, but it was management. Management threatened him to break up with you to try and make good publicity but me and the boys can all see how much this is hurting you and Luke," Calum informed you and you stood there stunned. "(Y/N), you need to go and talk to him," Ashton pleaded you. "Take me to him," you stated and they jumped to their feet and dragged you out of the door and to the car. Once you got to their apartment, they let you in and told you he was in his room, while they waiting in the living room. You walked into his room and he was just lying on the bed. “I told you boys to leave me alone,” Luke’s voice said, sounding angry and upset. “Luke, I’m not the boys,” I stated to him and he quickly perked up and looked at to see if you were really there. “(Y/N),” he said as he stood up and walked over to you and gave you a massive hug and he broke down crying. “I never wanted to break up with you,” he chocked out. “I know,” you said and he looked at you confused. “The boys told me. Luke, you can’t let the management push you around. The boys have your back, you need to talk to them,” you told them as you wiped his tears away. “I know, but you know me, I’ll just chicken out,” he said. “You may do, but you have the boys and me behind you,” you told him. “I love you so much (Y/N),” he said as he gave you a kiss on the lips. “I love you too Lukey,” you told him when you pulled away from the kiss. “Will you please be my girlfriend again?” he asked you and you replied with, “Of course I will.”

Calum: It had been about 3 months since the break up and you were an absolute mess. Your friend took you in and let you stay there for as long as you needed and by now, you were started to get a bit better, even though you were still heart-broken. (Y/F/N) persuaded you to go out and get some fresh air and that's what you were doing right now. Just strolling along the sidewalk, clearing your head a bit and you and your friend just talked about random things. "(Y/N)!" you heard a female voice shout from behind so you turned around and saw a girl running towards you. You recognised her but only slightly. She has been spotted with Calum quite a few times after you broke up, so you figured that was the girl he said he started to like. You looked at her confused when she finally reached you and stood in front of you. "(Y/N), Calum needs you," she said. "Why me? Aren't you his girlfriend now?" you asked her a bit rudely. "Was for a bit but I could tell he never really liked me. He still loves you and hasn't stopped. Ever since you two broke up he started beating himself up from it. He doesn't know why he said he liked me because he loves you. I admit, I am a bit upset but you’re the one who makes him happy. Not me," she said and then walked away leaving you and your friend so confused. “Come on, let’s go check on him,” your friend said and you agreed with her and walked to Calum’s apartment. Your friend stayed by your side as you knock on his door. He soon opened the door, eyes red, hair a mess. “(Y/N)? What are you doing here,” he sniffled. “Kaitlyn (random name), just came and spoke to me,” I told him and his face turned into confusion yet understanding. “Why did she come and speak to you?” he asked you. “She told me that ever since you broke up with me, you have been beating yourself up and that you don’t seem happy around her. She told me to come and talk to you…” you trailed off. “Oh…” he said, whilst scratching the back of his neck. “Did you want to come in?” he asked you and you looked to your friend. “I’ll leave you to it. Text me how it goes,” she said and gave you hug and left. You walked into Calum’s apartment and nothing had changed from the last time you were here. “I’m sorry,” he started off as we both sat down on the couch. “I’m sorry for being so stupid. I don’t even know how I ever liked her. I loved you. I love you and I always have and always will. As soon as you walked out that door after we said those words, my heart instantly broke into a million pieces. I thought that maybe Kaitlyn will make me feel better, but she just couldn’t. Not like you did when I was upset. You just have to smile and my whole mood will brighten up 100%. And when you kiss me, it’s like I’m not even on this world anymore. It just feels like it’s me and you alone in our own world. I love you (Y/N),” he said and it brought tears to your eyes. Not sad ones, but happy. You sat closer to him and leaned it and placed your lips upon his and gave him a kiss which he was shocked at first, but soon leaned more into it. “Please take me back,” he pleaded and as your answer you placed another kiss on your lips.

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