#71 Lost Boy (His POV) - Song Pref

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Luke: I've walked for days and days, 'Cause I can't face the fact. That nothing is better than you

It has now been 4 years. 4 years since I met (Y/N) and 4 years since I fell in love with her. We met at the park one day and it was her first day here because she had just moved. I was sitting on my own because at that point I was a quiet, lonely boy who didn't have many friends. However, I soon heard the voice of the first and only girl I have even loved. She sat by me and we started talking. She cheered me up whenever I was down and always made me happy. Her presence is what always brought a smile on my face. That and her texts and her voice on the phone. After just a few days we became insuperable. About 2 months, I realised how much I liked and finally accepted the fact that I was in love with her. Trust me, it wasn't easy for me to come to this conclusion. I ended up walking away for 3 days, trying to figure out what the hell I was feeling and what I wanted to happen. The reason I ended up doing this was because I tried to convince myself that I couldn't fall in love with my best friend. I also tried talking to different girls, to see if anything would change but nothing worked. I couldn't face the fact that nothing was better than her and when I realised that and the fact that I was in love with her, I went back. I got an ear full of it from both my mum and (Y/N) when I got back but I didn't care. I love her.

Calum: I'm coming because I need to find you. Is anybody there who can rescue? Somebody like me? 'Cause I'm just waiting, For somebody like you, Somebody like you. Without you I'm a lost boy

I was currently on tour in America and it has been a few days since I received a heart breaking text from (Y/N). She called me saying how she got a new boyfriend and was saying how much she was in love with and how much he makes her happy. When she told me that, I couldn't register anything. I hung up on her. She has text me and rung me so many times, trying to get me to talk but I wouldn't. She would even ring the boys and try and get them to get me to talk to her, but I would still ignore her. Don't get me wrong, I hate doing this. It hurts me. It really does. Ignoring the girl I am in love with. However, after so many boyfriends who she claims she is in love with and how they make her happy, I couldn't take it anymore. I was always there for her. All her relationships and all of her heartbreaks. That's it. I'm going to find her. That night, we didn't have a show so I hopped on a plane and went to find (Y/N). I got off the plane and went straight to her house and knocked on the door. There stood her new boyfriend. I couldn't do it while he was here. I quickly ran. Got my phone out and sent her a text; I know you're there. I know you're the only the person who can save me. I know you won't like someone like me but know that I am waiting for you. Always have and always will. Without you I am lost. Walking around this planet like a lost boy. You are the only one who can rescue me but I know you won't.

Michael: 'Cause I've been from place to place. Trying to bring you back.

It has been 3 weeks now. 3 weeks since I last saw (Y/N). We had just come back from doing a little promo, and when we arrived back, I went straight to her house and went searching for her. However, when I knocked on the door, her mum opened the door and when I asked if I could speak to (Y/N), her mum said that she wasn't there and that she was travelling. I knew it was her dream to see the world and travel all over the place and I had promised I would take her someday, but it seems like she has decided that she wanted to go on her own. Before I left to do the promo 3 weeks ago, we had had a fight and that caused us to break up. I was determined to get her back because those three weeks had been absolute torture for me. However, I had no idea where to find her. I asked her mum and she told me she wasn't sure where (Y/N) was at that time. She then told me that (Y/B/F/N) knew where you were staying and when. So I drove over to (Y/B/F/N)'s place and knocked on the door. When she answered, I was instantly asking where (Y/N) was. It took a while to convince her to tell me and when she did, I was off and on the task of bringing (Y/N) back.

Ashton: I can't remember the last time I heard your voice. I'm sat in silence living in a world of noise. 'Cause you were perfection.

I was sitting in my hotel room, staring blankly at the ceiling above me as I lay down on my bed. It was dead silence in my room, leaving me to my thoughts and the mistakes I had made. And they are all to do with her. The most perfect girl that you could ever meet. When I was back home, and with her, I was always doing little things that would cause so many mistakes. I didn't mean to, I just don't know when to stop sometimes. I could hear the faint roar of the crowd outside my window, but I didn't want to get up and greet them. That may sound harsh and that, but that is how I am feeling right now. Through all that noise, I would always think I could hear her amongst them all, cheering me on. Actually, I can't even remember the last time I actually heard her voice properly. But the way her voice sounds, will always remain in my head. Forever and always. I just hope that I will be able to fix this one day and have her as mine once again.

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