#17 He Likes You But You Like Another Boy Part 2

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I, first off, want to say a massive THANK YOU!!!!! Because this has got nearly 5,000 reads! When I started this I didn't think it would get past 100 to be honest. It is also nearly on 100 votes, so thank you for that as well!

So I decided to do a part two to this one because someone requested it and I just felt like it haha. If you have any requests, questions or anything else, please comment below! Sorry if it's not good...

Luke: After Luke's little confession, you couldn't look at him the entire time. You could literally feel the tension in the air between you two. In the end, you stood up and said, "Luke, can I speak to you for a second please?" He looked a bit weary but he still got up and followed you out to the kitchen. When he entered, he closed the door to make it a bit more private. "Listen, Luke. I am flattered you have a crush on me but-" you started to say but got cut off by him saying, "You don't like me like that?" "What made you think I was going to say that?" you asked him, raising an eyebrow at him. "I have been rejected enough times to know when someone is going to say something like that," he simply said. "Luke, I am not saying I don't like you like that, I am saying that when I first met you boys, I did like you a bit but I thought you wouldn't like me, so Ii tried to distract myself and tell myself I liked Michael, but when I think about it, I still like you," you confessed whilst looking down at the ground. You feel a finger lifting your chin up and you were staring into the eyes of Luke and he then lent down and placed a kiss on your lips with his arms wrapped around your waist and your arms flew to his neck, feeling butterflies going crazy.

Calum: After the phone call, Calum hasn't been talking to you. Whenever you try phoning him, he doesn't pick up. When you text him, he doesn't text back. Even when you are around him or go visit the other boys and he is there, he will either ignore you or walk away and out of the house. You haven't told Luke yet because you're a bit confused with it all now. One day you were round Ashton's house and you were all talking to each other, minus Calum. You laughed at something Luke said and that was when Calum got up and started to walk out and that was when something in you clicked and you couldn't take it any longer. "WHAT THE HECK IS YOUR PROBLEM HOOD!?" you shout, taking everybody by surprise, especially Calum. "What?" he asked casually. "YOU'VE BEEN IGNORING ME AND BLOCKING ME FOR ABOUT A WEEK. WHY?" they could all tell you were angry. "You wouldn't understand," he said in a whisper and then headed out upstairs, not before you saw a tear run down his face. You looked to the boys who all shrugged their shoulders and went up to him. You heard sobbing and then something break so you rushed into the room it came from and saw Calum curled up on the floor sobbing his heart out. You were more confused than ever right now. "C-Calum?" you stuttered, not sure on what to say. "Go away!" he attempted to shout but failed. "Why are you being like this Cal? What have I done?" you asked. "It's me and my stupid feelings. I like you (Y/N), a lot. I have done for a long, long while. Then when you asked me about Luke, my heart broke, knowing I will never have a chance with you now," he confessed, not looking up at you at all. You chocked on air when he said that. You never thought about liking Calum that way before, but it isn't till now that you realise how upset you were and how broken you were and how much you missed him when he wasn't talking to you for a week. However, when Luke was gone for weeks on end, you never missed him as much. So it's just now you realised that you like this boy back.

Michael: Even when Luke left the room, your mouth as still hanging open and you couldn't move. Is that really true? You didn't know whether to feel happy or what really. You used to have a crush on Michael because you knew him before the others, but then you started to realise that he wasn't going to want you so you chose to try and move on. He kept having different girlfriends and he would have one-night stands and all that and they were all gorgeous, so you kept thinking what the point is. Thanking about all of this is actually starting to bring back old memories from when we were younger and when I started to like him. "Ummm... (Y/N)?" A voice snapped you out of your thoughts and when you looked up you saw it was Michael. "Did Luke just say something to you?" he asked, a bit nervous now. "Yes, he did Michael. Why didn't you tell me?" you asked him and he just kept looking at the kitchen floor below him. "It's just because I have liked you for a long, long time and I never thought that you would like me like I liked you. So I tried to get with other girls to see if anything would happen and make me forget about you, but nothing would ever work. Then for the past year or so, I have fallen deeper and deeper for you. I l-love you (Y/N)," he said, slowly making his way over to you and grabbed your waist and pulled you closer. "But I know you like Ashton, so I guess I basically blew it," he said and next thing you knew, your lips were on his, kissing him. "Michael, it has always been you, but I thought you wouldn't think of me as more of a friend, so I tried to move on and I started to think I liked Ashton. But I realised I don't," you told him and he couldn't hold back his smile and then kissed you.

Ashton: You couldn't believe what Calum just said. Was that true? Or was he trying to find another way to say 'I don't like you'. After standing there for a few minutes, you walked out of the house and started towards yours. All along the way, you were thinking about what Calum said. Why are you only hearing about this now? After all this time of knowing him and the boys, you would of thought that something would have happened or let it slip that he even thought of you that way... apparently not. You never really thought of Ashton as more than a brother to you, but when you got thinking he was really sweet and attractive. He was always there for, and comforting you when you were upset because of family or because you were upset because of a bad break-up. He was really attractive, and was always confident when he was around the boys and that but as soon as you were there, he would shy away. You would always catch him staring at you but then when you would look at him, he would look away and he would end up blushing. Now that you were thinking about it, you realised you liked Ashton to, you just didn't realise it till now. So, you did the only thing you could think of and walked into the living room where all the boys were and you walked over to Ashton and grabbed him by his collar and kissed him. "I love you too," you mumbled against his lips and he was finally pulled out of shock mode and kiss you as well.

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