Ashton Imagine: Proposal

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This is another imagine requested by KateWaltz12

You've noticed that Ashton is being a bit weird around you lately and you have no clue what is up with him or making him acting like that. You had bad thoughts running through your head, thinking that maybe he wanted to break up or he cheated or he found someone else that he loves. At every thought, your heart was breaking more and more. He would always be off with the boys doing god knows what, so you would never have the chance to actually ask him about and try to see what is up.

After about 3 weeks of the same behaviour, you were starting to get annoyed with him and you were more than ready to confront him. Even the papers have been wondering why he has been sneaking around and not out with you. They kept on confirming what you were thinking, that he could be cheating and trying to break off your relationship. You don't want that to happen, you loved him with all your heart and you were convinced that he was the one and that you would spend the rest of your life with him and no one else. The amount of times you had cried because of this and it was just killing you more and more and you had enough.

You waited for him to come home which took longer than you thought it would because he didn't get back till about 9 at night and as soon as he saw you sitting in the living room he jumped out of his skin.

"Kate? What are you doing down here? I thought you would be upstairs?" he asked you casually and went to lean down to give you a kiss on the cheek but you turned your face away and he looked at you with a confused expression?

"Where have you been Ash?" you asked him as you tried to hold back the tears that you could feel appearing in your eyes.

"Out," he said as if it was no big deal.

"I can't do this anymore," you said. "You're never here anymore. When you are, you are always on your phone and ignoring me. All you ever do is go out and don't either bother telling me where you actually go or if had even left. At first I thought you were just hanging out with the boys and writing songs or something, but one day I phoned Luke up to ask what time will you guys finish recording and he said that you weren't in the studio and you hadn't been for a long time. Then I started thinking that you were cheating on me, but I thought that you wouldn't do that to me, so I pushed that thought aside, but then I kept seeing papers and magazines noticing the same things I am. They have started to say that you are and that now and it's getting too much. I don't know what to believe anymore. Plus, the hate from fans is not helping!" you finished saying, but by now you were in floods of tears because of this.

"Kate-" he said but you interrupted him.

"I can't stay here," you said and then walked out of the door and walked to your best friend’s house. As soon as you knocked on the door, she answered and let you in as soon as she saw you were crying.

You explained to her what was going on and she told you to go rest, so you walked into the guest room and laid down. You checked your phone and saw that you already had loads and loads of texts from Ashton and a lot of missed calls from him. But then Luke, Calum and Michael were starting to try and contact you as well. In the end, you turned your phone off and went to sleep, still crying your eyes out.



When you woke up the next morning, you went and made yourself a cup of coffee to wake you up a bit. You looked an absolute mess because you didn't stop crying the whole night through.

"Kate! I'm off to work!" Your friend said and then you heard the slam of the door shutting.

About 10 minutes later, you heard the doorbell go off. Thinking it was your friend, you went and got the door. You were surprised that you saw Michael, Calum and Luke standing there. You were about to shut the door, but all 3 pairs of hands stop the door.

You finally gave up and let the boys in and they followed you to the living room.

"Listen, Kate. We know you don't want to see us I guess, but we need to tell you something," Calum started off as they sat down on the other sofa.

"Ashton wasn't cheating. He would never think of doing anything like that to you. He loves you Kate, so much," Michael told you.

"Then why has he been sneaking around and ignoring me?" You asked, confused.

"Ummm... I don't know if we can say why... But we assure you it is nothing bad. Can you come back with us to your guys' apartment? Ashton has been tearing his hair out and crying non-stop since you left yesterday. Please?" Luke pleaded you.

"Fine," you gave in and followed the boys out and back towards yours and Ashton's apartment.

When you got there, the boys walked in first and you followed behind.

"He's upstairs in the bedroom and he won't come up," Michael said and you walked up the stairs.

"Ash?" You asked as you lightly knocked on the door. There was no answer, so you walked in and what you saw made you want to cry.

Ashton was laying on the bed, curled up and he was shaking and you could hear the sobs escaping his mouth.

You walked over to him and sat down on the bed and rubbed his back soothingly. As soon as I touched his back, he quickly sat up and looked at me as if he couldn't believe what was in front of him. He tackled you into a hug and kept on saying 'I'm sorry' and 'I love you' and that.

"Ash, why have you been acting the way you have been?" you ask him as you pulled away from him.

"I was planning something for you but it kept going wrong and Ii kept getting frustrated about it all and I guess it got to me too much," he told you.

"What were you planning that was so important?" you asked him.

"This," he said and he climbed off of the bed and crouched down on one knee and said, "Kate, I have known you for about 4 years now and we have been dating nearly 3 years. Throughout that time, I have been falling more and more in love with each day and I will never stop falling. When I first met you, we didn't really get on, but after getting to know you, I knew you were the one for me and the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. You stole my heart and you will always have it. I know there was a few rough patches here and there but we got through it together. I don't know how you have managed to put up with me all these years, but I am so glad you did, because I wouldn't be here right now. I guess I should cut right to chase... Kate (Full name) will you do me the honour of becoming my beautiful wife and make me the happiest a man could be?" 

You sat there speechless as he reached into his pocket and reached for a black velvet box that was in his pocket and he opened it, revealing a lovely diamond ring.

You noticed Ashton was getting a bit uncomfortable and you realised you hadn't answered him yet.

"Yes," you whispered and he looked you confused, not hearing you say anything. "Yes!" you shouted as happy tears streamed down your face as Ashton slipped the ring on your finger and kissed the top of your hand with a smile on his face.

"I am so sorry," he said as he kissed you.

"It's fine. You had a perfect excuse," you winked at him and you brought your lips on his again.

You couldn't be happier at this moment in time.

**If you want a personal imagine, go to the first page in this book and comment what you would like or if you have any requests for preferences let me know. I will do whatever you say :)**

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