#39 He Deals With Fan Hate Towards You

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Luke: His teeth clenched as his grip on your waist tightened while the two of you walked through the crowd of fans. "Just ignore it Luke. That's what I do," you muttered, glancing up at him and noticing his irritated face. "I can't..." he murmured back, coming to a stop and turning to the group of girls that had been following you two. "I get it. I really do. But is it really necessary to speak to her like that? Shouting things like that at her isn't funny and even though she won't say that it hurts her feelings, I know it does. So give it a rest yeah? No one wants their feelings hurt constantly. And I'm not going to sit around and let you talk to the person I love with all my heart like this," he said letting out a deep breath as his eyes went over the girls that stood there quietly. "You can say all the means to me, just leave (Y/N) alone alright."

Calum: He shrugged his shoulders at the interviewer. "I'm not sure why the fans don't like (Y/N) to be honest. She's kind of like me and they like me," he said letting out a small chuckle. "I don't know though. It bothers me when I like come home and she's sitting there crying over something hurtful the fans have said to her or something. I just wish they'd stop because it really hurts to see her so torn up," he said giving the interviewer a small smile. "I don't think they understand how much I really love (Y/N). I think if they did they wouldn't keep doing it. But I don't know," he said quietly, sighing whilst his eyes looked over to where you stood and he gave you a reassuring smile. He really did want the fans to stop with the hate because he was scared you'd have enough and walk away from it all. All including him.

Michael: Peering over your shoulder at your Twitter page, his eyebrows furrowed as he watched you scroll down your endless amount of mentions with a frown on your lips. Giving his head a bit of a shake, he leaned over and pressed his lips to your temple gently. "Ignore it princess baby," he muttered underneath his breath as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone and getting on twitter. Taking his lower lip between his teeth he began typing away. 'This seriously has to stop. @(Y/T/N) deserves the world and I plan on giving it to her if you don't scare her away from me' he tweeted shoving his phone into his pocket and sitting down beside you and kissing your cheek. "I'm sorry..." he said to you, pulling you into him as the two of you leaned back on the couch. "It'll stop soon enough, love."

Ashton: With a frown on his lips he held onto your hand securely as his eyes raked over the girls that were yelling rude things towards you at the same time asking him for pictures and autographs. "How do you treat people like this? Especially people you don't personally know. Just leave her alone. I'm not saying you have to like (Y/N), but she hasn't done anything for you to not like her except for being my girlfriend," he grumbled with his eyebrows furrowed as he glanced down at you. "I'm sure if any of you were my girlfriend you wouldn't like to be treated like this right?" he asked sending his free hand through his curly hair. "Just...just stop being mean to her. She doesn't deserve it. I really like her. I might-I might love her. And you guys being so mean to her c-can make me lose her," He said shyly, whilst stuttering a bit and the blush on his cheeks increasing.

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