#2 The Way You Kiss

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Luke: When you two are kissing, he can't keep his hands off of your bum and waist. Where you are shorter than him, when you reach your arms to go round his neck and step on your tip-toes, Luke holds your waist or bum for support to keep you in place and tightly pressed against to his body. The kiss will start slow but then he will start to get more needy. Heavy breathing and moans filling the room. Near enough all the time, each kiss will tend to lead to something more.

Calum: Everyone thinks Calum will dive straight in when it comes to kissing but actually he likes to take his time and savour the moment he has with you, making it each kiss one to remember. His kisses are slow and steady, his hands would be cupping your face to make sure you don't move and then your hands will be lightly pressed to either his chest or lightly on his shoulders.

Michael: When it comes to kissing Michael, in public he will try and restrain from kissing you to much but as soon as you are behind closed doors, he can not keep his hands and lips off of you. He doesn't start out gentle. Every kiss starts off heated straight away. His hands will be roaming all of over your body, pleasuring and teasing you as much as he can. He will make out with you for a bit and then move down to your jaw and start nipping at your exposed skin. No doubt leaving you wanting more.

Ashton: When you and Ashton are kissing, Ashton likes to make it all about you so he will be slow and gentle and romantic. When things start to heat up after a few minutes he will order you to jump and then wrap your legs around his waist and he hold you up by your bum to make sure you don't fall and then he will carry on but with more pressure. He tries not to do in public because he likes keeping things that you do a secret, especially the way you kiss.

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