#80 He Has A Dirty Dream About You

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Luke: Your eyes fluttered open and you were instantly annoyed. Luke was shaking the bed like you were on a boat going across choppy sea waves. "Luke knock it off," you growled, going to turn over. "Oh sorry Y/N," he said, his voice cracking. Confused you opened your eyes slightly to see what he was doing and yep. He was doing what you thought he was doing. You wanted to tell him he was gross for doing it when you were in bed with him, but decided to just go to sleep instead. The next morning, you sat up in bed and turned to see it was empty. "Luke?" you called out, and within a few seconds he was in your room. "Good morning," he smiled, and you gave him a dirty look. "You woke me up last night when you were jacking off," you said, glaring at him. "Sorry, I know. I had a dream about you and I just couldn't... you know... leave it..." You put your hand up and nodded, and rolled out of bed to give him a peck on the cheek.

Calum: You woke up in the middle of the night and Calum was in the washroom. You decided to wait until he came back to go back to sleep. You didn't have to wait long, as Calum almost immediately opened the door. "Y/N? Are you awake?" he asked, squinting to see in the dark. "Yeah I am, just woke up. Did you flush?" you asked. "No I didn't go to the toilet," he said, looking towards the ground. "What were you doing in there then?" you asked curiously as he came towards the bed. "I, uh, had a dream... about you... and I... having sex," he said, awkward as ever. You laughed, putting two and two together. "You're cute, Cal," you said, cuddling him before you both went to sleep.

Michael: You just rolled out of bed and walked into the bathroom, your feet slapping the hardwood floors. Michael was in there, brushing his teeth and fixing his hair. "Good morning kitten," he said, smiling sweetly. You looked in the mirror and saw more of a birds nest than a kitten. "What? No comment on all of this," you said, pointing to the half bun half explosion of hair on your head. "Not after last night," he smirked. You were getting your clothes off to get in the shower. "What happened last night?" you asked, confused. "You and I had the best sex ever," he sighed. Your face went from half asleep to shock. "We didn't even do it last night, Mickey," you said, staring at him. "In my dream we did," he chuckled. "Perv," you snipped, getting in the shower. "We have some stuff to try," he said, walking out laughing. "Michael Gordan Clifford!" you called after him.

You were up in the kitchen getting a cup of tea and scrolling through your phone, when Ashton walked in. He had just woken up and was in boxers, his toned, tanned chest on view. "Good morning sleepy head," you smiled, taking another sip. He smirked at you and got a bottle of water. "How'd you sleep?" you asked, putting your phone down as he sat across from you. "Much better than expected actually," he said, smiling. "What do you mean?" you asked, confused as to why he was all smiles. "I dreamt about you," he said. "Oh that's cute..." you smiled, but slightly unsure. "No it wasn't," he said, smirking again. "You're being weird..." you told him while you looked at him warily. "I dreamt that you and I were at a movie theatre, but you got bored of the movie and undid my pants and then you start-" "Okay! I get the idea!" you announced, getting up and going to the washroom. You heard Ashton laugh as you shut the door.

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