#3 The Way He Hugs You

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Luke: The way Luke hugs you is in a protective way. He will always have his arm around your waist, hugging from the side or hugging from behind, just so you are always in his arms and then all the other boys know they can't have you and that you are his. His hand will tend to slip into the back pocket of jeans, teasing you whenever you were out in public. He likes to you blush when he does this.

Calum: When Calum hugs you, his arms will either be wrapped around your waist or wrapped around your neck, most of the time leaving you know chance but to put your face in his chest and to smell his masculine cologne that he is always wearing and you absolutely love. To tease him a bit sometimes, you tend to put your thumbs in his belt loops and pull him closer to you, tormenting him a bit.

Michael: When you two hug, he will instantly have his hands on your bum, pulling you closer to his chest and giving you a squeeze every now and again. Even though your used to him doing this, he still surprises you every time. He likes to be cheeky to you so no wonder he does this. He also tends to do it when there are a lot of boys around you because he will start to get jealous, so he tries to show that you are his and only his. No one else's.

Ashton: His long, muscular arms will wrap around your small waist and he will just stand there, enjoying the moment you are sharing. He likes being taller that you because when he looks down at you and you are looking up at him, he can stare into your beautiful eyes all day making him instantly smile, and causing you to badly blush.

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