Muke Imagine

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**Request by Im_Hemmotional**

The 5SOS boys were in your town for a few days because they were doing concerts and that. You were really happy because you happened to be friends with all of them and got along so well with each of them. However, Luke and Michael were the main two who you were close with and got along really well with. When you first met them, you three instantly connected and became best friends. They were literally like the brothers you never had.

Today, you were going to be spending the whole day with just them two because it was their day off and Ashton and Calum were off doing something else.

When you had finished getting ready and that, you heard your door being knocked on and you instantly knew it was them because they had a certain knock they always used to let you know it was them.

You went and opened the door and right in front of you were your two best friends, smiling bright, wide smiles at you. They instantly wrapped you in a hug at the same time, so basically it was like a group hug.

Once they pulled away and you regained your breathe, all three of you excited the house and went walking down the sidewalk, laughing and messing about the whole way to wherever you were going.

You ended up in the local town and you were going in and out of shops. You would sometimes point things out that you liked but saw that you couldn't afford it. When you walk out the shop, Luke or Michael would end up handing you the thing you pointed out and give it to you. You would end up having a go at them but they would end up pulling these adorable faces that you couldn't stay made at, so you had to let it go, even though you were still annoyed.

Luke and Michael are always so sweet towards you, complementing on how beautiful or pretty you look, and they would always take extra time to admire you and point out different things that had changed since thy last saw you. Like a new piercing, hair colour, height and anything else really.

They were just naturally sweet guys and knew what a girl liked to hear and when they need to hear it. They also know that you are very insecure sometimes and they are always reassuring you that everything is going to be fine and that you have nothing to worry about.

Another advantage of being best friends with these two is that when it comes to a day when they want to go to the gym, they make you go with them so basically you are watching two super-hot guys work out in front of you.

However, when it comes to saying goodbye, even if it’s only for the night, you three always make a big deal out of it and you never want a day to end. They would always text you and ring you to make sure you're okay and that and it's just so sweet of them to do that.

Luke and Michael will also flirt a lot and, without you knowing, set bets on who can make you love who first. They both really like you, but you never seem to notice. But you have never actually found out. But they are always keeping their hopes up for when you do like one of them.

**Hope you like it, sorry if its crap, it's the best I could come up with. And sorry for the long wait. A lot of stress is happening and school and that and I am feeling really depressed lately and there is no one there for me, so sorry for the waits between each update. I am doing my best**

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