Imagine: Luke (Best Friends)

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You have been friends with Luke for a few years now and ever since you met while playing some sports with your friends in the park a few years ago, you two just clicked and have gotten on really well ever since. You are near enough always hanging around with him if he can, or if not then texting, calling, skyping, the lot. You could probably call yourselves best friends now because of the amount you two get along and how long you had known each other.

You were getting ready for a day out with Luke because it is his first day off in ages and a day you were actually able to hang out with him. Just when you were about ready, you get a text from Luke saying that he was waiting outside. You don’t understand why he doesn’t just come in because he normally does. You were so used to him doing that, that when he doesn’t, it feels weird for you. You hurried up and were ready in no time. You ran down the stairs, said goodbye to anyone who was home and ran outside to be greeted with Luke outside your door. You jumped into his arms and kissed his cheek, also mumbling a hello quietly. All you could hear was Luke’s laughter in your ear and it made you smile. Yes, you admit you have a crush on your best friend. Does he know? No. Are you intending on telling him? Nope.

"Come on, I thought we could just go for a walk today, enjoy the sunshine for a change?" he asked you, to make sure it was alright, just in case you wanted to do something else instead. You found it cute when he did this because it kinda shows that he cares for your opinion and doesn’t want to do anything you don’t want to do.

"Yeah, that’s perfect," you told him and you two were on your way to god knows where. You were just following the path beneath your feet and see where it would take you to.

After about half an hour of talking, you hadn’t realised where you were until you both stopped and Luke sat on the grass that you were now on. You looked around the place you were standing and realised it was the place you and Luke had first met and started to become friends. You instantly found yourself smiling at the memory of it that was replaying in your head. You shook your head a bit to focus on what was going on around you again and sat down next to Luke who was laying down and looking at the sky with a smile on his face.

"What are you smiling about?" you asked him, not complaining though because you loved his smile, it always manages to put a smile on your face even when you are in your worst moods really.

"Just thinking of the day I met my best friend in the whole world," he stated as if you should have known that. You couldn’t help but blush and look away though because you must admit, the day you met him was the day you would never forget. Meeting the boy you are now in love with? How could you tell a best friend that?

"Wouldn’t have changed that for the world," you told him and leaned into his chest and the two of you just laid there, you having butterflies flying around in your stomach. You always wondered if he ever felt like this about you, but then you realised he wouldn’t because he just thought of you as a best friend.

"Come on, let’s go back to mine and watch some films," Luke said after about an hour of being at the park. He got up and then helped you up as well by grabbing hold of your hand, not letting go for a few minutes after you were actually up and walking. He dropped your hand and shouted, "race ya!" and then sprinted off with you laughing and then you running to catch up with him. It didn’t take long for you to catch up because you have always been quite athletic and was on the track team in your school and you were the top person in it. Soon enough, you were running past Luke and were at his house before he was.

When Luke was finally there you looked at him and said, “About time you showed up” with a bit of a smirk appearing.

"Oh hush you, just because you are faster than me," Luke said, pouting at the fact that you won. You giggled at his reaction and gave him a kiss on the cheek, something you wouldn’t normally do. When you looked at him, you swear you saw him blush a bit but you shook it off and thought it was a trick of your eyes.

You both walked into his house and went straight to his living room and sat down on the couch and Luke went in and out in your favourite movie that you always watch together when you get the chance. He came back over to the couch and sat next to you, putting his arm around you, pulling you closer to him. You were always like this with him when you two were watching a movie together, you really liked it because he always smelled so good and he was really comfy.

"(Y/N), I was wondering if I could ask you a question?" he asked you, looking a bit nervous. You gave him a look that says for him to ask away. "Do you believe it when people say ‘a boy and girl can never be just friends’?" he asked you and looked up at him and into his eyes, his staring back into yours.

You didn’t know how to answer so you thought you would take a step and brave a kiss, so quickly put your lips onto his and then quickly pulled away and apologised and said that you didn’t know what came over you.

"Shhh, it’s fine. Another question for you, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked and you broke out into a massive smile, and kissed him again and responded, kissing you back. "I take that as a yes?" he mumbled against your lips. You nodded yes at him and he kissed you. Sparks flying through both of you.

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