#66 Under The Mistletoe

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**Double update!!! Hope you like the festive theme. I know they are a bit late but I was very busy. Hope you like them!!!**

Luke: You were out with Luke in the London, walking in the snow, arms linked and one of hands were in your coat pocket and the other one was holding Luke's and he had it in his pocket to try and keep you warm. You were looking at different shops, just enjoying each others company because he had just come back from Australia and you hadn’t seen each other in a long while. “Oh, I like that,” you said while pointing at a necklace with a heart on it that had ‘I love you forever’ and it had a blue heart on it. Your face instantly dropped when you saw the price because it was about £150. You sighed and started to walk away when you got pulled back and into the shop by Luke. He walked over to the person behind the counter and asked the man if he could look at the necklace. “Luke, you don’t have to!” you said and started to pull at his arm. “(Y/N), I know I don’t have to, but I want to,” he said with a genuine smile and he started walking out with a bag in his hand, and then he stopped, turned around and kissed you. You were caught off guard and pulled back wondering why he did that and looked up so you did as well. You suddenly realised and noticed there was mistletoe dangling from the ceiling. He kissed you again and handed you the necklace saying, “here you go babe, by the way the engraving is true as well,” he gave you a wink and made your way home.

Calum: You were round your friends Calum's house and you were sitting there watching movies with him and his sister. For some reason Calum was being a bit more flirty today and Mali kept teasing him about something, but whenever you asked what was going on, none of them would tell you and you were starting to get a bit annoyed about it. After half an hour, you kind of got a bit fed up and grabbed hold of Calum's hand and walked to the kitchen and faced him with a serious face and he looked at you with a confused look as to why you just dragged him out of there. “What’s going on?” you asked him sternly, giving the chance for him to see you were being serious and that. “What do you mean?” he asked you. “All evening you have been acting weird and Mali keeps teasing you about something and whenever I ask y-” you didn’t get a chance to finish because lips were on yours and they shut you up. When they were gone, you opened your eyes and you were looking at Calum. “The reason for all of that was because tonight I was going to tell you how I like you more than a friend and I asked Mali for advice and that is why she has been teasing me all day. So in other words, (Y/N), will you be my girlfriend?” he asked you, and you stood there not sure on how to answer but one way you could was to kiss him. He understood your answer and kissed back.

Michael: Michael was round yours for the day and you were sitting on the sofa, laying in his arms and your parents were on the other chair and you could swear you kept on seeing them taking pictures, but you weren’t to sure because you hadn’t actually caught them in the act of doing it yet so you were waiting for the right moment to say anything. You were all watching Jingle All Way (A/N if you haven’t seen this, you need to. It is such a good film!) and Michael kept on kissing the top of your head every now and again. It always made you smile when he did this and he knew it. When the film had finished, you, Michael and your parents walked out into the kitchen and started talking about random things. “So, Michael? How’s your family been?” your dad asked him and he replied very kindly with, “They are fine sir. They are coming over to London for christmas so it is a bit of a change for all of us at the moment because we have always celebrated Christmas at our home in Australia. However, my mum is actually really excited to see (Y/N) again,” he said, smiling down at you while putting an arm secure around your waist, pulling you close to his body. “It’s good that you two get along with both sets of families because then it makes the relationship easier. Also, if your parents want to Michael, they can come here for a day or something. I know your family want to spend Christmas with each other,” your mum asked him. “I shall ask my mum when I next to speak her, I’m sure she would love to do something with both of our families actually,” Michael said with a smile. “Oh and by the way you might want to keep the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe up,” your mum suggested whilst looking upwards above your head. You both looked up and saw mistletoe dangling from the door frame. You looked at Michael who was already looking down at you with a smirk and he placed his lips on yours in an instance, making you kiss him back automatically. You heard a snap and looked at your parents with your phone and that means they just took a picture of you and Michael. You looked at it and showed Michael and you both loved it so you both set it as your background on your phone and look at it when ever you are away from each other.

Ashton: You were round your friends for a party she was holding. When you arrived, all you could see were girls with dresses that were way to short and you couldn’t understand how people could wear them in December in the cold weather! See, you came in a pair of skinny jeans and a sequin top and jumper because you thought you would go for the safer option and try not to get ill. “SPIN THE BOTTLE!” you heard your friend yell and everyone who was playing sat in the circle and you sort of got pulled over by your friend so you had no choice on what you wanted to do. “Okay so the rules are if you get chosen, you have to kiss under the mistletoe,” your friend said as she pointed at the mistletoe dangling from the ceiling. You looked around and saw that Ashton Irwin was there. You weren’t surprised that he was there because your friend was actually friends with him and you have spoken to him quite a few times and you were starting to like him but you thought there was no point in trying because he could get any girl here and there was no chance. It came to your turn on spinning the bottle and so did. You sat there patiently waiting for the bottle to stop spinning and it looked like it was really taking it’s time. It finally stopped and it landed on… Ashton! He looked up at you and smiled. You both got up and walked over to where you were standing under the mistletoe and you were staring into his eyes. You both leant in and finally kissed each other. Your breath was taken away by the fact that he was actually kissing you! “Listen (Y/N), I have liked you for a while now and I have only just had the courage to say it to you,” he said shyly. “Ash, you could have any gi-” you started saying but was cut off by his lips kissing you again. “Don’t say that! I may be able to get any girl but I don’t want any girl, I want you! (Y/N), will you be my girlfriend?” he asked you and you replied with a “yes” and he kissed you again. Just when you were thinking you were never going to kiss him. You kiss him three times in the same night and all of them in the same place under the mistletoe.

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