#73 He Has A Nightmare

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A/N Hi! I am back! I am really sorry for being off and on on this book! I keep getting distracted and end up being really busy. And I am really sorry if I haven't done requests or anything. I don't know who I have done and haven't done. Anyway's I hope you like it!

Luke: You were in bed reading. Luke had been up early and had begun dozing off. You were running your fingers through his hair, which he always said relaxed him. You eventually heard snoring, and you focused solely on the book in your lap. You were sitting cross legged, and just within arm's reach of your boyfriend in your king size bed. You smiled. If every night ended like this, you would be happy for the rest of your life. Suddenly, Luke started shaking. "Luke?" you asked quietly and received no response other than him whispering 'no'. His hand opened up and he looked like he was grabbing. You put your hand in his, and he death gripped it. "Ow! Luke!" you shouted and he scared awake. "Where am I!?" he asked in a panic, flicking his head back and forth, looking around the room. "In your bedroom, crushing my hand" you said and Luke released you. "Sorry, I was having a terrible nightmare." "I gathered that, what happened?" "I was falling, and I was trying to grab at the walls but I couldn't. There were people standing on the side watching me like it was a movie. Then I saw you and I reached out for you and you grabbed my hand but people were trying to peel our hands away." You were scared listening to the story. "Babe, are you okay?" Luke nodded, "I'm okay now that I know I'm in bed and you're by my side." You smiled and laid your head on his chest as you both fell back asleep. 

Calum: "I'm home" you called out softly, not knowing where your boyfriend was. You had been out with a friend for drinks, and come home a little late than you expected. You walked in and saw Calum laying on the couch. You tiptoed to the kitchen to get a drink, then you heard Calum tossing and turning roughly. Assuming he was up, you poked your head out to look, but you saw him tossing about on the couch. "What the hell?" you asked yourself, walking towards the couch. It was rare that Calum would even move in his sleep, let alone look like he's got a spasm. "Cal?" you called him, in a normal speaking tone. "Y/N, help me please" he said. You could see the sweat on his face and you couldn't believe he was being serious. "Knock it off" you said giggling, but Calum didn't stop. "Y/N!" he screamed, and you knew he was being serious. You went over and shook him awake. He woke up with a gasp. "Cal? You alright?" you asked him as he sat up, breathing heavily. "I had a nightmare" he said, between deep breaths. "I was drowning and I needed you to save me and you thought I was joking," you couldn't help but feel terrible. "Calum, I am so sorry. You're okay" you said, hugging him. You got him a glass of water and you went into the bedroom, where he cuddled you extra tight for the rest of the night.

Michael: You and Mikey had decided to have a sleepover at his house before both of yours flight that was in the morning. You were tossing and turning, excited to go on tour with Michael. You tried to keep your eyes closed, but you kept opening them to look at your suitcases that were packed and by his bedroom door. You felt Michael toss his body. "Mikey?" you whispered quietly, seeing if he was awake. He didn't respond. You laid your back against the headboard. Michael started whispering and you were struggling to hear what he was saying. You leaned over him and put your face close to his. "No, Y/N. Take the oxygen mask. I will figure it out. I want you to be okay," you were taken aback as you watched tears fall from his eyes and onto his pillow. You had seen enough. You couldn't stand him being like this. "Mikey, wake up" you whispered, shaking him. "Y/N!" he started to shout, and you finally woke him up. "Y/N" he whispered, pulling you into a hug. "What happened?" you asked, rubbing his curls. "The plane crashed and there was only one oxygen mask and only one of us weren't going to live and I wanted you to take it but you wouldn't..." he was panicked just thinking about it. "Michael, listen to me. We're okay. We're not even on the plane, and we will be fine when we are. Trust me, you're okay," you said as you cuddled into him but neither of you could sleep, so you watched movies until it was time to get ready to go.

Ashton: You were at your own place, sleeping. Ashton had to be up early and you didn't want to have to get up with him at five in the morning. You were about to settle down in bed when you got a call. "Ashton the Sex God" came up on your screen. Ashton was the one to name himself that, even though you weren't going to disagree. "Ashton" you said, your voice cracking a bit from being tired, but you were surprised, because it was late, being nearly three in the morning. He should have been asleep hours ago. "Oh god" he whispered. You laughed nervously, not sure why he seemed so panicked. "What's up, Ashton?" you asked him, wondering why he was calling you so early and why he seemed so nervous. "I just had a terrible dream. I dreamt that you had been kidnapped and I was trying to save you but the kidnappers sent me one of your fingers. It was horrible" he said, still panting. "Well. Which finger? I don't like my thumbs" you laughed. He didn't. "I'm coming over" Ashton said sternly. "Ash, yo-" the line went dead. You got up and waited at the door. Ten minutes later, Ashton was walking in your flat. "Ash, you're a dork. Come here" you said, laughing as you hugged him. You felt him crying into your shoulder. "Ash, I'm okay. I'm here. Don't worry. I am fine" you said, and Ashton just hugged you tighter. You two went and slept in your bed, him making sure he kept you in his arms for the rest of the night.

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