#18 You're A Celebrity And He Has A Crush On You

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Luke: You were going to see 5 Seconds of Summer tonight with your little cousin, because you managed to get her front row tickets and backstage passes to meet the boys. Obviously it has some advantages of being famous, otherwise you wouldn't have got them. "(Y/C/N)! You ready?" You asked her, as she came running in, wearing most of her 5SOS merchandise that you had bought her a while back. "Yes, I am ready, let’s go!" She shouted and grabbed your hand and pulled you to the car where you drove to the arena. When you arrived, they were letting people in to find their seats, so you went straight in and went down to the front. ""Oh my gosh! These seats are amazing! Thank you (Y/N)!" Your cousin shouted and hugged you tightly. "You’re welcome" you said and the show started. As soon as the boys came on you started cheering along with your cousin. You saw Michael scan front row and see you, then he walked over to Luke and whispered something. I looked at them confused, when Luke looked at you with wide-eyes and also blushing. What's going on with them two? During the whole concert, Luke kept coming near you and looking at you, almost as like he was singing to you, which was really odd. When it had finished, your cousin had the most amazing time by the looks of it. We walked over to security and showed them the backstage pass and he showed us the way. When we found the boys, they all came over to us and started talking to my cousin, making her so happy. "Hi (Y/N)." You looked and saw Luke looking at the ground all shy. "Hi Luke. You did brilliantly tonight" you told him and you brought him for a hug, you felt him tense up but slowly wrap his arms around you. "What's up Luke?" You asked him concerned. "It's just that, you are an amazing girl and I can't believe I am talking to you. I know this is a long shot, but would you like to go out for dinner sometime?" He asked shyly. You smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, saying yes. He was so sweet with your cousin as well which made you even happier.

Calum: You were doing an interview with Sugarscape, which you do on a regular basis because you are always getting invited in for interviews with them. They started asking you basic questions until it got to relationship status. "Now, (Y/N), are you in a relationship at the moment?" The lady asked you. "Nope, I'm single" you said back to her. "Well, that's a good thing to hear because, we have found something that might want to change your mind," she says back and we looked at a screen while a video played. It was Calum Hood in an interview with Sugarscape. The interviewer asked him if he was in a relationship or if he had his eyes on someone. He answered with, "I haven't got a girlfriend, but I sort of have my eye on someone. I have seen her quite a few times but I have been too nervous to go talk to her." His cheeks were growing red. "Could we get a name of the lucky girl who is stealing your heart?" The lady asked. He hesitated for a minute before answering. "Her name is (Y/N)," he finally answered. In an instant, your cheeks blossomed red and you also turned shy. You ended up talking to Calum on the phone, that Sugarscape arranged and he ended up asking you on a date that you accepted. 

Michael: You were going through twitter one morning and found a lot of people tweeting you with #(Y/N)checkyourdms on every tweet. You don't bother with checking DMs normally because it’s normally fans or spam messages. You do answer sometimes but sometimes you aren't able to. However, this time you decided to have a look. You saw one new DM and you saw that it was from... Michael Clifford? From 5 Seconds of Summer? That was last person you expected it from. You looked at the message and it said 'hi (Y/N), I was wondering if you wanted to meet up sometime for lunch? I think your stunning and I would like to get to know you better x' and you found that so cute, and the fact that he added an 'x' was cute as well. You decided to DM him and say 'Mikey, I would be honoured to meet up with you and have lunch. You are also stunning yourself young man ;) x' and you waited for a reply. 'Aha, well thank you pretty lady ;) You do not know how long I have been trying to get the courage to message you x' was the reply and you kept talking and you finally arranged a date and from then on, people were on about how you two were a cute couple. You weren't going to lie, you thought you were as well. 

Ashton: You were strolling through twitter one day and saw that a lot of people were tweeting you with #(Y/N)CheckAshtonIrwinsTwitter. Curious as to what they were on about, you decided to load it up and have a look. You searched his name and clicked on his profile. Once it loaded you strolled down to the second tweet which answered your questions as to why people were trying to get your attention. The tweet read 'You know that girl (Y/N)? Well, she's probably the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. God, I wish to meet her in person.' You finished reading it and started to blush at his comment. You are a fan of his so you know who he is and that and you know he is always so sweet. You noticed he was following you as well, and you had no idea he was. So you ended up deciding to DM him. You messaged him saying 'Hi Ash! I saw your tweet and thank you, you are so sweet. I would love to meet you in person as well.' You waited and you got a message back almost instantly. You read it and he said 'Oh my god, I didn't think you would actually see that! But it's brilliant to know you want to meet up as well.' You started talking to him for a while and he asked for your number and you started to get closer with one another. You two were all that people were talking about. 

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