#60 Rugged Breathing

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**HEYY! I was just wondering, if I put a description of an imagine that I was thinking of, would there be anyone who would be willing to do it for me? I have been trying to find an imagine like the one I am thinking of but I can't find any. So if any of you want to do it, message me or comment on this and I will post the desciption in the next chapter. Then I will post it on here and dedicate it to you if you want :D**

Luke: He took his lip between his teeth, biting down on it watching as you licked up the underside of his length. A throaty moan slipped past his lips as you teasingly licked at the head before taking him completely into your mouth and he let his fingers tangle into your hair. “Shit (Y/N),” he muttered, watching you with dazed eyes as you hollowed your cheeks taking him deeper into your mouth. His breathing picked up as you let your teeth scrape against him and he let his head fall back against the couch cushion, gripping at your hair. “Shit…” he moaned under his breath using the grip on your hair to control how slow you were bobbing your head. “Fuck (Y/N)… don’t stop,” he breathed out, letting his eyes fall to the top of your head as he felt your tongue trace around the head of his length.

Calum: You tried silencing your moans and gasps into the pillow beside you with your fingers buried into his hair, griping at it tightly. “Calum…” you whined quietly feeling the heat pool in your stomach as you squeezed around his quickened fingers. He let his lips trail over from your bundle of nerves until he was sucking a bruise into your inner thigh, but he never stopped the movement of his fingers. “Cal…” you moaned out again and you could feel the smirk form on his lips against your skin as you arched off the bed slightly and your breathing picked up. He pulled his lips away to look up at you from in-between your legs with the smirk still on his lips, “Not yet (Y/N)...” he muttered running his tongue over his lips. “I didn’t say you could finish. Did I?” he asked with a quirked brow.

Michael: It was all that filled the room aside from the whispered profanities, as his hands tightened around your hips. “Fuck,” he breathed out as you pushed back against him, matching his rhythm. He took his lower lip between his teeth, biting down on it roughly as you squeezed around him and it only made the grip he had on your hips get tighter, surely to leave finger shaped bruises behind. “Fuck…” he muttered again letting his head loll back and his eyes fall shut as he slowed down the movement of his hips and let you continue to push back against him with silent moans making their way past your lips. He looked down at you, removing one of his hands from your hips to push you down further into the mattress, nearly silencing your gasps as he pushed into you deeper with your name falling from his lips.

Ashton: He sucked slowly at spots on your neck, biting at it every time a moan made its way up from the back of your throat. “Quiet,” he mumbled against your skin, pressing his fingers harder onto your bundle of nerves forcing a gasp from your lips. “Ash…” you whined letting your head fall back against the bathroom stall door. “None of that…” he detached his mouth from your skin, a smirk on his lips. “We’re not the only ones in here (Y/N),” he whispered leaning in and reattaching his lips to your neck and proceeded to suck yet another deep bruise into your skin. “You don’t want anyone to know what we’re doing… do you?” he asked pushing your underwear aside and slipping a finger into you. “Think you could keep quiet for me babe... think you can stay quiet if I fuck you in here,” he mumbled, another gasp falling from your lips as he slipped in another finger.

**Finally hit 5K votes! Thank you soooooo much! About 30K then I would have reached 700K reads as well! You do not know how happy this makes me that you guys are reading and liking these! THANK YOU!!!!!**

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