#83 Just Sex

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Michael: You weren't necessarily into kinky shit, like handcuffs and whips, which was just romantic abuse through sexual activities, which made people feel good. So, when you declined Michael's ideas to use handcuffs and handcuff you to the bed post, his eyebrows scrunched up, before shrugging because he didn't care that much. "Okay," he'll send you a smile to ease your worry lines before putting it up and enjoying the moment. In the end, he was just happy he could have sex with you, always trying new positions.

Calum: It was just the first date and he was already trying to invite you inside his house. You were obviously thinking it was so he could have sex with you, but he swears it was just because it was freezing outside and didn't want you to get cold. Even though you told him that you weren't going to be that easy and fall for that excuse, you ended up under him on one of his couches. Your clothes lying on the floor with his jeans being slowly unzipped by your shaky fingers. "Don't usually do this on first dates," you said with a smirk while looking up at him. "Guess I'm lucky," he smirked back with a cheeky wink.

Ashton: Nothing could hurt more. Literally. Your love for him was just thrown to the side because that's all that you were to him, someone that's on the side because his girlfriend couldn't finish him off properly. It's wrong and horrible because how could someone do this? Just because you love him and he's using it to his advantage to get himself off. It's bitter sweet against your tongue, and sometimes you want to spit it out but you keep coming back like he's your drug.

Luke: He's not ready to settle down completely, so it's just sex for you. There is no love making or cuddling after it, only sex. Sweat still sticky like mildew on fresh grass in the mornings, it was the high. Then he'd grab his clothes off of the floor and would leave. However, he would always give you a kiss on the forehead that lingered longer than it was supposed to. Then he would leave, making sure to come back for more, and no feelings following it.

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