#72 I've got this friend (His POV)

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Luke: Can I have a minute? I've gotta tell you something. I heard that someone likes you, And it might be nothing but he's right in front of you.

It was a bit of a cliché love story really. The one where the boy falls in love with his best friend? Yeah, that one. And I happen to be in that situation right now... I have been trying to psych myself up to be able to talk to her about how I am feeling but I would always choke and end up saying something else. But today, I was determined to try and tell her properly. I was on my way to school, and we always meet by her locker anyway, so I went to mine and took a few deep breaths and then started my way over to her. She was already there, waiting for me and I felt the nerves start to build. When I reached her, I couldn't do it and before I knew what was happening, my mouth started moving as words came out. "Heyy (Y/N), can I talk to for a minute? I've got to tell you something," I asked her and she smiled her cute smile and said, "Sure Lukey, what's up?" "I may have heard that someone likes you..." I trailed off, waiting to see if she will say something. "Really?" she asked excitedly which made me smile at her. "Yeah, apparently it might be nothing, but yeah," I awkwardly said, even though I knew that was a lie because I was in love with her. "Oh, who is it?" "I-I'm not g-going to s-ay his n-name, but he's right in front of you," I said quickly, whilst looking at the ground, not wanting to look up. Soon, I heard footsteps so I looked up and saw (Y/N) had left. I was left alone by her locker, letting tear after tear fall down my cheek.

Calum: Something I have to tell you, He plays the bass guitar. He thinks you'd like him better, If he had a car but now he's right in front of you.

We were all in Luke's room, talking about different things, waiting for (Y/N) to get here. I was the most anxious to see her because today was the day that I was going to tell her that I like her. More than a friend. I love her. I have done for a while. The boys could see that I was nervous and they were all trying to calm me down but nothing was working. I ignored them until I heard the doorbell go off signalling someone was here. We all knew who it was, so the boys told me to get the door. I got up and walked towards the door and opened it, letting (Y\N) in. "CAL!" she screamed, wrapping her arms around me in a hug, making me instantly smile. "Heyy, (Y/N). Listen. Is it alright if I quickly talk to you in private?" I asked her, getting straight to the point. "Yeah sure," she said and followed me into the living room. "I have something I need to tell you. I have this friend who really likes you." "Really? Who?" "Well, first of all, he really thinks that you would like him better if he had a car because you might find him a bit cooler," I started. "Also, he is in a band and plays the bass guitar," as soon as I said that, her eyes looked like they had just figured it out. Crap. "And he is right in front of you," I said under my breath. "Heyy guys! Come on! We want to get started!" one of the boys voices boomed. I looked at (Y/N) and she was already walking. I signed and followed along.

Michael: 'Cause I've got this friend whose crazy about you, I've got this friend who can't be without you, I've got this friend and I wish I could see, See what you'd say if I told you it was me.

We were just about to go on stage again and perform our last song of the night. This one was going to be special because I was dedicating it to my best friend (Y/N) who I am in love with and have been for a long time. There is a certain part I have to sing and I need to make sure I am looking directly at her the whole time, hoping she will get the hint that it's her. "Alright boys, on you go," our stage director said and all of us went running back on stage and the whole crowd was cheering. "This our last song but I would personally like to dedicate it to my best friend (Y/N)," I said and looked at her, she had the most confused look on her face. We started playing the song and then it finally came to my part. "'Cause I've got this friend who's crazy about you, I've got this friend who can't be without you, I've got this friend and I wish I could see, See what you'd say if I told you it was me," I sang, looking straight at her the whole time and then I went running off to the other side of the stage. When the concert was over, I tried looking for (Y/N) but in the end no one could see her. She left.

Ashton: He's kinda my size, Don't look back 'cause he's looking. I think you know him, But you just don't know that he's right in front of you.

"Heyy, guess what I found out?" I started off, getting her attention from the seat next to me in class. "What?" she asked as she drew her eyes away from the teacher to look at me. "I know someone who likes you," I stated and her eyes went wide-eyed. "Wait. What?" she asked, obviously not believing what I just said. "It's true," I stayed with a smirk. She smiled and said, "No it's not," and went back to work. I waited till after class to bring it up again. Finally, the bell rang and everyone started getting up and getting the bags and leaving the classroom. "(Y/N)!" I shouted before she could leave my sight. "What Ashton?" "I was being serious earlier. I know someone who likes you," I stated with a serious face. "Oh really? Who is it then?" she asked, still not believing it. I couldn't just tell her the name of the person because... Well... The persons me. I can't just come out with 'oh it's me' can I? No. "Well, I'll give you a few hints but I won't tell you his name. Okay?" "Fine." "Okay, so basically, you seem him around school a lot. You are always talking to him. He's about my size. And don't look back now, but he's looking," I told her and just like that she went to turn but I quickly grabbed her shoulders in place.” I said don't look back." "Well, what am I supposed to do? Your description doesn't really help me..." "You don't need to look back because he's right in front of you," I didn't even realise I just said that. The words came flying out of my mouth. I didn't mean to say that. Her face looked shocked and she was quickly pulled away by her friend, so I never even knew what she thought. Or more importantly if she liked me back.

 **** I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!!!!! I am really sorry, there has just been so much going on lately with school, family, my boyfriend, and now work as well. It's all been a bit manic. Once again, I am SOOOOOOOO sorry. I hope you like this one! I am going to try and update when I can though. Love you all my beautiful readers.****

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